Chapter 1

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There was a full out war outside yet she was running inside, inside the castle, searching for 1 thing, she had to find him.

She went room to room, searching all the hiding places he could fit  in.

He wasn't in his quarters or thrown room.. There's only one other place he could be.. One of the tall towers..

She rushed up the stairs, skipping every other step.

How long was this stair case? Forever?

Finally! She got the the room at the top, but it was locked

She tore the hair pin securing her hair, her silly jet black curls falling and cascading down her back

She bent then pin and picked the lock

She walked in, sword drawn, prepared for an ambush

There were 3 guards in between her and him.

She wouldn't allow his escape.

She fought all three and some how managed to beet all. The sword lessons her brothers gave her really payed off here.

Nothing but empty space stood between them. Her panting because she was out of breath from the fight, his panting from anxiety as he pushed himself against the stone wall.

The fear in his eyes made it all worth the fight. Knowledge was power and he finally knew she was in power.

She took her time making her way over to him. Sword dancing along the floor to taunt him.

They were face to face. Eye to eye.

"Please.. " he pleaded

"Let all of the land know, the entirety or the city of emeris know.. That true dragon's heir is once again in power"

After finishing her condensed speech she thrust her sword through his abdomen, waited until he fell to his knees, blood running from his gut and dripping from his nose, and tears in his eyes falling to the cold stone below, knowing he would dye, taking his last breath, to pull the sword back out.

As he fell face first into the ground, eyes glazed over, she awoke

She sat up in her bed, cold sweat pouring down her brow, soaking her shears, she pushed her covers aside.

She got up and climbed out of her window, into the tree next to it. She climbed to the highest branch so she could gaze upon the forbidden lands.

Why did she keep having nightmares about her killing the king?

Sometimes she stabbed him, sometimes she pushed him out the window, sometimes she chased him to the basement and.. She didn't understand

Through the nights after her night terrors, the only place she didn't feel judged was in this tree gazing on the forbidden lands.

They were the only thing that brought her comfort.

She was already the black sheep of the family so she couldn't ask for help for her nightmares. She knew her family cared but none understood her, it was like they had given up on her.

Maybe that's why she felt drawn to the shadows, to the forbidden lands, they were abandoned, no one liked them, no one wanted anything to do with them. It's like she could relate to the dark and feared island.

She just sat there in the comfort of the tree and view. Sorting through her thoughts. Gaining composure.

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