Chapter 31

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They all stood in silence until it was broken by mermaids swimming up to the surface.

All three snapped back to reality.

"Hello, I'm.." Terrance started before being interrupted

"Terrance, you're the heir!" Three mermaids squealed of excitement in unison like fan girls would

They each had full heads of hair, long, down to where their knees would be if they had any. One was ghostly pale with silver hair, yet still looked young and vibrant, one was tanned with blue hair, and the third was dark skinned with midnight black hair.

"So, you know who I am?" Terrance asked hesitantly

"Yes! We know more than just who you are, we know the entire story and must say.." The blue hair one started

"We're huge fans of the adventurous story!" The other two chimed in

"Are you guy always this gidy? For some reason I pictured mermaids as a deceivingly beautiful creature"

"Well," the dark skinned one said in a preppy voice, eyes staring at the top of her head, "we are, usually we use our beauty to lure humans to the waters edge then we drag them down and drown them but, we're huge fans."

"Yeah, like, that's why our King said we couldn't invite you to see the kingdom, someone would drowned you somehow." The white hair' girl said

"So that's why our leader sent us! The fan girls to bring you our freedom necklace!" The blue haired mermaid said while swimming up to the land, laying it in the sand, and pushing herself back into the water

Terrance smiled nervously while walking over to pick up the necklace. She put it on then took a few steps back,

"Well thank you, I'm greatful" Terrance said

"Anything for the heir!" They said in unison before flipping back underneath the water

Terrance turned to Jed and Avani, "well, simple enough, ready to head back to the border?" Terrance asked

"Actually, I think we should head to the elve's first, there's a present we had got you but we wanted you to become the leader you are first before having it. Not to mention, you could use a bath and new cloths.." He said

"Excuse me? A bath?" She asked folding her arms against her chest

"That's all you got from that?" Avani asked chuckling lightly

"Whatever," she looked at Jed, "I know I can fly with you but are ok if I ask Avani to join for a ride back? It'll be months quicker"

"Anything for you terr" he said

"Great, coming Avani?" She asked getting on to his back

Avani hesitated before shuffling over and messily climbing up behind her

She took his hands and wrapped them around her waist, "hold on tight."

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