Chapter 10

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"So listen Terrance, my father only approved for me to accompany you to the hobbits because they aren't dangerous, basically he only wants me assisting until you get a feel for our woods" Avani said

Terrance stopped walking through the forest and turned to him

"But in the last 4 months of my training with you I thought we had gotten pretty close.. And I don't think I can do this without you" she said

"I know, elves are immortal if not for outside forces and I am the only heir to the elvish thrown, he won't risk my life.."

"But I can't do it alone!"

"I know I know! That's why I asked a friend to accompany you."

"A friend?"

"Yes, her name is Ava. Her parents never hated the humans and they disliked the conflict so they left the comfort of the village with their daughter. Growing up there was only 1 other young elf who could compete with my skills, Ava. We've kept in touch all these years." Avani explained, "she's honestly been following us this whole journey waiting for me to tell you, sorry if that's creepy."

"Maybe a bit" Terrance said nervously

There was rustling in the bushes off to the side and Terrance watched as the most beautiful elf besides Avani stepped through

"Are you sure she's not royalty too?" Terrance asked quietly before Ava was within hearing range

Avani just smiled in response

Ava walked up beside Avani

"I'm Ava" she said bluntly

"I'm Terrance" she said matching Ava's tone

"I figured we'd visit the hobbits together then I'd be on my way" Avani said

Terrance was trying to focus on the conversation but suddenly it's like she hit a mental block and her mind kept traveling elsewhere

"She?" A voice whispered in her head. It was a deep voice, full of masculinity

She didn't feel like anyone was talking to her but that definently was not her thought

"Terrance does that work for you?" Ava asked

Terrance nodded and half smiled trying to hide the fact that she had no clue what the question was

"Why female? I thought.."

"Did you hear that!?" Terrance asked excitedly, interrupting Avani mid sentence

Both elves turned to look at her, the way their brows knitted together showed they hadn't appreciated being interrupted

"Your interruption?" Avani asked sarcastically

"No, the voice that sounds melodic in its normal way of talking" Terrance replied

The elves looked at her confused

"Wait, no! Can she hear me? I better get out of here.."

"No! Please don't" Terrance yelled into the open

"What are you talking about!?" Avani asked

"There nothing around to mess with her" Ava said

Terrance turned and ran, she didn't know how she knew whoever was speaking to her was in that direction but she did

The elves were on her tail

She stopped behind a tree branch and her mouth instinctively opened

The elves caught up to her and had the same reaction just in time to watch the midnight dragon spread its wings

Each scale reflected the sun's glistening light, the beauty of the dragon was striking

Terrance stood silently in aw as she watched the dragon fly away

"You could hear it when we couldn't?" Avani asked

"It's said that a dragon and it's rider can talk through a mind link" Ava said still watching where the dragon had been

"So that was my dragon then" Terrance said

"I guess so, what was he saying?" Avani asked

"He wasn't talking to me he was talking to himself, he was confused about me being a girl vs boy?"

"A lot assumed the curse breaker would be a king" Ava added

"Huh, so to the hobbits?" Terrance asked

The elves nodded and they walked for only around 20 minutes to reach the shire

"This it guys, my first mission" Terrance smiled before entering the shire with the elves following closely

Random but I vision Ava as blond and looking kind of like the pic I added here(: don't forget to comment and vote, thanks for reading guys(:

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