Here Comes Trouble

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As I pushed the boys out the door all I really wanted to do right now was talk to Liv. But I know I have to get ready for tonight's performance so I rushed into Lou's room because if I was the first one to be done. I usually was the last one to get done, but I really wanted to see Liv before the rest of the boys got to changing. I heard the boys still making kissing sounds; I couldn't care less though because I did that to them most of time. But this time I rushed into the room and jumped into the chair beating all of the boys; this left Lou staring at me and the boys laughing at me cause they knew why I was doing it.
"Oh Niall did you want to go first or something?" Lou asked with a laugh.
I blushed some "Um yea just excited for tonight" I said with a nod.
The boys sat down as Louis coughed "Bullshit" and with that all the boys laughed will Lou gave them a glare cause Lux was here...oops.
As Lou started doing my hair she asked
"So Niall how's Olivia?"
I sorta almost choked on my spit.
"Um what do you mean?"
"Like have you been nice to her since we talked?"
With that I felt much better, she doesn't know...for now at least.
"Oh yea I've been trying my best, so there's been no fights since then."
With that the boys started to making kissing noises, thankfully Lou didn't notice.
"Alright Niall make sure it stays that way. I'm finished go get changed before Paul kills you."
With that I tired acting very cool on the way out, but as soon as I was far away I ran like five steps towards my dressing room. I couldn't wait to see Liv.
As I opened my door I saw her going through clothes, she hasn't noticed me yet so I sorta snuck up and squeezed her sides.
"Oh my gosh" she giggled/screamed.
Liv turned around and then saw it was me and gave me a smile.
"Oh hey you I didn't even see you" I said with a smirk.
"Well hiya Irish." she said with that smile. Gosh her smile literally was the best thing ever. As I stared at her she questioned "What? Do I have something on my face?" then touched her face.
"No no Liv you're smile it just makes me smile."
"Thanks Irish. But I really need you to get ready before I get fired." Liv said as she stood up giving me a hand.
"You won't get fired"
"Yea okay well let's not find out Niall, okay?"
I nodded and went to sit down.
"Okay so you can pick these to wear and then I'll pick your change on the side. That sounds good?"
She looked so focused it was really adorable.
"Yea sounds good Liv." with that I stood up and went to the racks.
As I was shifting through the clothes I found a good pair of jeans and a white tshirt.
"Okay I'm done Liv"
As I said this she looked at me with a smirk and shakes her head. As Liv walked to the rack she grabbed a green flannel and some all black all stars.
"Here, go get changed." she said and pointed to the changing screens.
After I finished changing I walked out to see Liv picking out more clothes and putting them on a different rack.
"What you doin?"
She turned around "Putting your change shirt on the rack"
"Okay you done?"
"Yea for now, but where are the boys we have 30 minutes till the show."
"No clue they'll probably be here in 5."
"Okay cool" she said and sat down next to me.
"Can I ask you something Liv?"
"Yea shoot."
"Do you wanna go out after tonight and see where we can take this. Also, by this I mean you and me." I said a little sheepishly.
"Yea I'd love that Niall."
As she said that I raised my eyebrow.
"You didn't call me Irish"
"Yea I thought you didn't like it."
"No I actually like it. I just pretended to get annoyed."
"Oh sorry Irish" she said with a smirk.
"It's fine" I said while laughing.
As she stepped closer and she was really close to my lips she said "Gotcha...Irish." and with that she ran away, so I chased her.
As I chased her I finally caught her "Gotcha Liv" as I turned her around I moved her hair out of her face and we both leaned in and I gave her a small light kiss.
"Irish, now you got me." she said while blushing.
As I was about to go in again we heard
"What the hell is going on in here!"
As we turned towards the door we saw Paul and he looked like he was gonna kill us.
Liv stepped away from me towards Paul.
"Look Paul I'm sorry."
"Liv there's nothing to be sorry for."
"Niall there is something to be sorry for. Olivia is on this tour as a worker, NOT your girlfriend or whatever this is!"
"Paul! You can't talk about her like this."
"I'm sorry Olivia, but I need to speak with you after you finish dressing the rest of the boys. Niall you're with me and Olivia please don't talk to the rest of the boys when you're working right now."
With that Paul grabbed me and we were out the door and I felt terrible.
After Paul dragged Niall out, I felt like I was gonna puke because I could not loose this job and go home early because my Mom would kill me. With all these thoughts coming to my mind I started to pace around their dressing room.
The door opened, but I didn't stop pacing.
"Liv?" Liam said.
"Olivia?"  Harry asked.
"Liv stop it what's going on?" Louis asked and he grabbed my shoulders.
I didn't want to speak so I wrote what happened on a piece of paper and the boys looked like they've seen a ghost.
"Oh shit Liv I'm sorry." Louis said.
"Liv Paul won't fire you because he won't, you'll be fine." Liam said.
"Yea we won't let him fire you and you can speak I'll tell him Liam told you too" Zayn said.
Liam shook his head yes.
"Okay thanks boys."
"Liv I got a question though, what did your contract say that you signed?" Liam asked.
"It was one Lou made saying I would have to do as told and do my work."
"Okay, did you sign one for the stylist job you have."
"Um nope I'm technically still under Lou's contract."
With that the boys cheered.
"What?"I asked.
"That means you and Niall can get together without Paul saying you can't!" Harry exclaimed.
With that I smile grew on my face.
"Wait guys I have to get these clothes to the side stage then talk to Paul, wish me luck." I said while pushing the rack out the door.
"Good Luck!" They hollered.
As I made my way towards the stage I couldn't help but feel really nervous but happy since Paul couldn't do anything about it.
After I put the rack in its place I made way to find Paul. After a couple of minutes with 15 minutes to spare before the show I found Paul sitting in a chair with some binders.
"Hi Paul, what did you need to speak with me about."
Paul glanced up and put the binders down "Olivia I know I don't have the right to be involved in your personal life, but you are involved with Niall so now sadly I have to be involved. So..."
"Paul you technically can't tell me I can't see Niall. I did not sign that contract with that clause."
"I know Olivia."
"Then why did you want to talk to me?"
"Well before I thought you did sign that old contract, but I don't not know that when I talked to Niall I didn't. So I looked up your contract and found out I was wrong. You and Niall can do whatever you please just you need to know what you're getting into, so after the show you can tell Niall, okay?"
"Yes thanks Paul, see ya later I need to get to my job." I said and ran because now it's 5 minutes till the show.
I couldn't wait to tell Niall then go on our date.
As the change was coming up and I was doing the whole thing aka the changing by myself and making sure the boys were proper and such. The plus side is I could tell Niall since it's a longer quick change. As soon as I heard the ending of Happily I pulled the rack over towards me. The boys were running off and Liam got here first so I gave him his stuff, then Louis, then Harry, then Zayn, and lastly Niall. As I handed Niall his new shirt and he threw his old one off.
"Liv I'm so sorry about it I had no idea..."
"Niall it was a false thing, I never signed that contract we can date."
"Wait we can?"
I nodded my head yes. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I had to check and make sure the boys looked good. I checked all of them except Harry and Niall, but I checked Niall first as I lint rolled his shirt I almost finished then he slammed his lips on mine.
"I'm excited for our date later and the rest." He said.
Before I could respond him and the boys were on stage.
Wait shoot! I didn't fix Harry...oh well he looks presentable from here.
After that I cleaned up the clothes and watched the rest of the show with a huge smile on my face.
This lad was going to be the death of me.

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