Questions or Statement

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So after my whole conversation with Josh I decided to see where it goes with Niall. Cause like I could be wrong he could've been trying to get something out of my hair...yea right who am I kidding he was defiantly going to do something. But since I had a job to do which involved Niall I had to be professional or I'd get kicked off and my mother would have a field day with it. So I went back towards the dressing room because sadly that's were the clothes were. I'm hoping a certain boy isn't in there so I can get the clothes for tonight and the stage changes too. After that I'd leave very quickly. Once I got to the door I knew I had to open it; so that's what I did.
And to my delight it was only Liam and Harry in the room. Praise Jesus!
"Oh hi Olivia" Liam said.
"Ohhhh heyyy Olivia" Harry said with a smirk.
Oh great this boy is going to be annoying, well extra annoying right now.
"Hiya boys. Sorry for interrupting just need to get your clothes for tonight."
"It's okay" Liam said.
As I walked towards the rack of clothes Harry stopped me from continuing.
"Can I help you Harry?"
"Um actually Olivia it's more like how I can help you." Harry said
"Excuse me?"
"So I think that you have a thing for a certain blonde. So I want to know why you don't go for him he's not dating anyone."
The nerve on this guy. Ughhhh. Instead of answering Harry I moved around him and got the clothes. And try to go out of the room, but before I can he stops me...again!
"So you didn't answer me."
"Harry give it a rest." Liam said.
"Well Harold technically you didn't ask a question. You used statements."
Liam let a chuckle out.
While Harry just stared at me.
"So goodbye boys. See you lot later."
And with that I walked out than ran to where I needed to be. Which was far far away from that dressing room.

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