Kiss Kiss

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Oh crap! Me and Niall just stood there awkwardly while the boys stood and watched us carefully.
"Um so well I gotta go. I'll see you guys before the show yeaaa bye bye."
"Wait Olivia..." Niall started.
"I really gotta go Irish. I'll talk to you later...all of you later I mean." I said.
All the boys including Niall were staring at me.
I basically ran out...again.
My mind was spiraling everywhere I was so shocked, but at the same time I couldn't keep a smile off my face. Then I realized I could get fired because I'm pretty sure I could get in trouble with Lou or Paul oh crap. Why did I do that? Like ughhh! I kept waking around until I ran into something and fell on my butt. As I looked up and looked around I'm pretty sure no one saw me, so I began to get up I wasn't off the hook at all.
"Smooth move Livy." Josh chuckled.
I gave him a glare.
"Well are you gonna help me Joshy?"
Josh then reached down and helped me up.
"You know you really got problems with running into things or people or running away from those too."
"Wow you already caught on there Josh and yes that's what I usually do too."
"Wait so you're running away from something."
I started to squirm a little bit, this was so awkward.
"Is it Niall again?"
"What happened now?"
"We maybe sorta ya know kissed and said that we liked each other some and then the boys might have seen us but that's like yeaaa"
As I was still talking I saw Josh's mouth literally hit the floor.
"I thought you were gonna make him chase you Liv!"
"I guess you could say I did, but don't worry I still will Josh I promise."
"Wait so what are you two now? Are you like dating?"
"Well you see we never really got to talking about that because of the guys."
"Okay so you ran out without talking about it with the guy you said you liked."
"Yup pretty much."
As Josh was about to speak again Paul came running up to Josh.
"Josh you need to go see the boys something is coming up for this show that we need to discuss. Oh hi Olivia."
"Hi Paul." I said with a nod.
"Okay Liv I gotta go. I'll talk to you about this later."
With that the both of the ran towards the boys dressing room.
And I began to walk towards I really I no clue. I just had time to kill before I had to be back in the boys dressing room.
After me admitting to Olivia that I like her it was the best moment because she said it back and Liv is a great kisser. But the problem was the boys came in and she ran out, before I could even talk to Liv about what just happened.
As she left I'm gonna say it was so awkward not because I made it, but because the boys would not take their damn eyes off of me.
"Okay so Niall..." Liam started.
"What the hell was that?" Harry exclaimed.
"Harry!"Zayn yelled and Louis smacked him.
"Well you lot were thinking it!" Harry yelled.
"Yea that is true." Louis said.
"Well Niall you wanna fill us in cause we knew you liked her but us walking in on you making out so go ahead." Liam said.
With that I sat down and began to look around and then thought oh gosh.
"Okay well first of all it was not a make out session or whatever you called it we just kissed some."
"But why were you kissing though?" Zayn questioned.
"Dude isn't obvious he likes her." Harry said in a duh tone.
"Yea I do like her and I sorta let it slip I thought she was cute. Then I said it is because I like her then she said she liked me back. So we kissed some,but before we could talk about it you lot came in and she ran out, so now I'm totally lost of what we are." I sighed.
"Atta boy Niall" Louis said while hitting me.
With that the boys started cheering and jumping around so I joined them because I really couldn't contain my smile any more.
"Wait boys wait!" Liam yelled.
"What?" The four of us yelled back.
"Can you two even date? Cause if she signed that contract that some of the younger girl crew signed it legally says she cannot date us or she will be sued." Liam stated.
When the word sued came out of his mouth I wanted to puke.
"I have no clue if she signed that. Can it be undone if she did?" I questioned.
"I have no clue bud, talk to Paul he would know."
"But lads should he even bring it up to Paul because if she did it'd get one of us in trouble with Paul." Louis stated.
"That's true Louis. We could all ask Lou though, she would know for sure." Zayn said.
"Later today before the show can we all ask Lou?" I asked.
"Yea of course Niall, but for now let's just chill and mess around." Harry said with a smirk.
"Prank on security?"Louis asked with a devious smile.
With that all of us started to make a plan. I was excited for this prank, but my mind wandered off to this so called maybe issue with Olivia. I really liked her but I wanted to date her because I truly don't know anything about this girl besides the fact she's sassy, from California, and she has an adorable smile.
As we began to plot out the prank it was mostly on Paul and it wasn't really a prank more like messing around to annoy him.
"So lads everyone knows the 'plan'" Louis said.
We all shook our head yes and went to our places while Louis called Paul.
"Paul! Somethings really wrong with Niall like he can't move!" Louis yelled.
I tired to contain my laugh; as did the others including Louis. Louis hung up the phone after yelling "Come here quick Paul and bring Josh!" Once he did that I tired to look as in much pain as possible while the others got 'worried'. Before Paul and Josh and whoever else showed up Harry asked
"Why did you say bring Josh?"
"No clue...just did" Louis said with a shrug.
We started to get serious when we heard footsteps get really close. Then the door got thrown open and Josh and Paul.
"Niall what's wrong? Should I call the medic?" Paul said in a rushed tone.
It was so hard not to laugh because I sorta felt bad.
"My knee is acting up very bad Paul. I don't think I'll be able to the show tonight."
"Boys what happened to hurt his knee, again?" Paul asked the boys.
"Well we were just chilling doing pretty much nothing then Niall went to the floor so really we got no clue Paul." Liam said.
You could tell he felt guilty, but he still didn't tell Paul the truth. I knew all of us boys were screwed when Paul found out I was completely fine. 
"Damn. Okay Josh run and go get the medic. Now!"
With that Josh started to run really fast towards the door.
As I was walking towards the boys dressing room I decided to head towards Lou's room because I feel like I haven't seen her in ages.
"Hey Lou." I said with a smile.
She looked up and had Lux in her arms.
"Livy!" Lux giggled.
"Oh hi Luxy." I said while stepping towards Lux and Lou.
"So what's up Olivia? How's the new job?" Lou asked as she sat down with Lux, as did I.
"Oh it's really cool. I love it."
"More than the job with me?"
"Well... no but yes. To be honest all of it really interests me. I'm glad you agreed to letting me be here even though my Mom probably said I was difficult."
"She did once you were here, but you are a very smart a good worker, so I'm happy you're here."
As Lou began to prepare for tonight with the products for the boys and I colored with Lux; Lou turned to me and started to talk "So how's Niall been with you. Has he been acting better towards you?" Lou asked with a smirk.
And my thoughts were crap she knows and I'm screwed! Also, I was trying not to blush.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh c'mon Olivia no lying to me I'm your boss. So spill..."
"Well ummmmm..."
A before I got to finish we both heard loud noises coming from next door, which was the boys dressing room.
Both Lux, Lou, and I went to see what's going on. As we opened the door I saw a medic, Paul, Josh, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry standing over Niall, who looked like he was a ton of pain.
"Oh my god is Niall okay?" Lou asked with concern. While I couldn't even speak.
"We hope so or else we have to go on with out him." Harry said.
I felt terrible and we weren't even dating.
"Well I don't think.."the medic began to say before Niall jumped up and he and the boys lost it. They were all laughing their asses off. I looked relieved and pissed off as did Josh. While Lou and Paul were gonna kill them.
"Boys!"Paul and Lou screamed.
With that the boys looked really guilty.
"Yes?" they said sheepishly.
"You need to get ready for the show and stop screwing around! Be in the chairs in 5 minutes or else." Paul said. him and Lou walked out with Lux. Josh and me just stood there.
"You lads are so stupid and insane, but nice job." Josh said with a smirk.
I just stood there because I thought something was truly wrong and I was scared for him.
"Liv you okay?" Liam asked.
Then all the boys turned towards me.
"Livy?" Josh asked.
I stepped towards Niall and slapped him.
The boys went silent and Niall yelled "What was that for?"
"You scared me half to death." I tried walking away but Niall grabbed my wrist.
All the boys blocked the door so I couldn't leave the room.
"Why were you scared Liv. Do you like him or something Liv?" Harry said with that stupid smirk.
"Um well yea." I said as I blushed really hard.
"Don't worry Liv I like you too." Niall said.
As we both leaned in someone yelled "It's been 5 minutes boys get in here now."
"I wanna talk to you later okay Liv?" Niall said. I shook my head yes as he kissed my cheek.
All the boys did the pretend making out as Niall pushed them out the door.
"So Livy..." Josh said with a smirk.
Josh then made kissing sounds.
"Oh shush Josh." I said and then I went to grab the clothes.
This is going to be an interesting performance.

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