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After we sang our last song I ran off stage. I knew I was gonna get in trouble for announcing Liv is my girlfriend, but I couldn't care less. As I ran off stage I saw Liv and she was busy moving the racks. I tried to call for her name hoping she want mad at me, but then Paul stepped in front of me.
"Niall and everyone else come with me now!" With that we all began following Paul
As we sat down in Paul's office he started to yell loudly.
"What the heck was that Niall! We agreed to not tell anyone about Liv being your girlfriend. The press is going to have a field day and your fans are gonna critique her until there's nothing left of you and her. Why would you do this. Especially since it's not about you but the whole entire band."
"Paul I needed to say it. I need to tell everyone that she's mine. I know the band isn't about me I get that."
"Then why would you tell everyone!"
I looked around and saw the boys I couldn't tell if they were mad or not.
"Boys..." I began.
"Niall seriously we love you and Liv together. Anything we do is in the spot light Paul. Give Niall a break I did the same thing with Perrie." Zayn said.
"Same with Sophia until we broke up." Liam said.
"Niall Liv was smiling but she hasn't seen any of the bad comments on social media."
"I can try and handle it Paul. And I was suprised  at first, but I'll be okay with it. I was smiling and I still am." Liv said with a smile.
"Oh thank goodness. I was gonna have a heart attack." I said
With that being said Liv ran into my arms and I caught her.
"Liv it's gonna be harder than you imagine and since you have a job it's gonna be insane. I'll have security with you when you go out now. That's final."
"Yes of course thank you Paul."
"Anytime Liv. Oh and boys since you don't have any interviews in the morning and you're planning on going out to cheer up Liam. There's gonna be three bodyguards with you. Okay?"
We all nodded.
"Now move its almost 12:15!" He said and with that we all fell onto the couch.
"What was Paul talking about?"
"Oh we're going out to cheer Liam up to a club." I said.
"Oh...." Liv said.
"You can come though and cheer Niall up." Liam said with a smirk.
"I'm fine you turd!" I said.
Then he turned to me whispering " but I really want you to come and we can celebrate us being official and public."
"Im down Ni." Liv whispered
"Okay change and meet on the bus in 20!" Louis yelled.
With that we all ran to get dressed and Liv ran to the bus.
*20 minutes later*
As we met on the bus I called out "Liv you ready?"
"Yea I'm coming." She said back.
The boys and me were waiting and we picked up Josh and Jess up on the way from their bus.
As we chatted Liv walked out and I'm pretty sure my mouth hit the floor.
"What?" Liv asked shyly.
"You look gorgeous."
She was wearing a tight dress with her hair straightened and a smoky eye and some heels making her an inch shorter than me.
"Let's go and drink tonight lads!" Liam yelled.
With that Liv and Jess gave Liam a playful glare.
"Sorry lads and ladies!"
With that we got into the car and were on our way to a club.

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