Broken Pieces

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I know what everyone around me is thinking and I can't believe how stupid I am. I did start to try and get back at her for some stupid reason but I don't remember the conversation with Crystal. I think I was drunk, but that's no excuse.
"Niall..." Liam began.
"I know Liam I just am so stupid!" I yelled.
"Niall we thought you really like her?" Harry said.
"I do like a lot."
"Then why did you do it to this poor girl." Andy said.
"Guys remember when we went out when Liv got here with Crystal and the girls?"
They all nodded.
"I was being a douche bout Liv for no reason. And I think Crystal told me to date her and get back at her. I did not ask her to be my girlfriend because of this. It was way behind me. I was focused on Liv. But now I screwed up big time." I said with a sigh.
"Then why aren't you going after her?!?" Zayn yells.
"I want to!" I said standing up.
"Then go!" They yelled.
I began to start running towards the door, but I stopped.
"Go Niall!" Harry ran.
"I can't." I said.
"Why?" They asked.
"Because if I go now and bombarded her she'd hate me. I'm gonna go to the bus, but I'm not gonna say anything yet."
"Okay. But still go!" Harry said.
I began running my fastest to the bus ever.
I arrived at the bus and I heard chattering. Then a big loud "I'm gonna kill him!"
Then Josh appeared and he was at my throat but I didn't move.
"Josh stop it!" Liv said and Jess held her.
"No he's scum." Josh said.
"Josh he's one of your best friends stop it. Now!" Jess yelled.
"Yea but Liv is like my sister and he screwed with her!"
I didn't move because I deserved to be punched by Josh.
"Look me in the eye Niall and say you didn't do this or attempt to."
"Josh I screwed up big time." I choked.
With that Josh let go and punched me.
"Niall!" Liv screamed.
I was on the ground because he punched me again.
"No Liv I don't deserve you right now."
"Yea but here's some ice." She said giving me ice.
"Liv..." I began.
"Not now you said so yourself." She said with a smirk, but it soon faded
"Guys I'm gonna go ice Josh's hand so he can drum tonight. Liv listen to Niall I don't agree with what he did, but listen to him." Jess said while leading Josh out.
As the bus door closed it left me and Liv in silence.
"Why?" Liv asked in a whisper.
"Was I really that awful or am I still awful?" She said.
I looked deep into her eyes
"It was me being judge mental and stupid. But Liv I put this way behind me I forgot until Crystal brought it up. I want you to be my girlfriend I'm falling for you so hard Liv. And I'm not gonna stop falling until you say stop. Tell me and I'll try, but there's saying I will because you're really hard to get over."
Liv leaned in.
"I'm so annoyed and hurt because I'm falling for you too Ni." She said.
I was gonna say something, but she got up.
"I freaked out because of that and my mom pulled crap on me like this all the time because she wanted to. You've showed me kindness that my own mother never did."
I stood up,"I will try to stop being awful and be the best person I can be because when I'm with you, you make me the best I can be."
With that she leaned in and was about to kiss me, but said "Don't get to comfortable because you still pulled a douche move even though we weren't together."
With that she walked away swaying her hips.
"Okay I deserved that!" I yelled with a laugh.
"Yea you did! There's more to come in time!" She said with a laugh.
I'm so glad she forgave me and trusts me a bit. I'm not gonna stop earning her trust.
I walked off the bus to back into the stadium. I arrived at the dressing room and Liv was in there and the guys were staring at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Is everything okay between you two?" Liam asked.
Liv turned around and focused on me.
"She's gonna let me earn her trust back, so yes in that sense. But I am still a douche."
Liv just smiled at me.
How can this girl forgive me. Her mom must of pulled a lot of crap when she was younger. I promise myself her and then I will never do something so stupid to her again. This time I gonna hold myself to this.
"Yo! Niall!" Zayn said.
"We're gonna get some grub are you gonna come?" Louis asked.
"Yea. I'll meet up with you in a second." With that they all walked out and I stayed behind.
"You know you could've gone." Liv said while turning around.
"I could've, but I want to talk to you for a second."
"Okay what's up?"
I lead her over to the couch.
"I explained myself before about my stupidness, but I wanna tell you something else. I'm gonna try so hard Liv not to let you down or do something stupid that will harm you or this relationship in anyway. I know you can't trust me right now, but I'm not gonna stop earning it. Because I am falling for you so damn fast Olivia Braun."
She just smiled.
"I thank you for saying this, but I'm gonna try to trust you little by little. And Niall James Horan I'm falling for you too so fast even your douche move can't stop it."
With that we were leaning in, but interrupted  by Josh and Jess.
"Liv are you serious?"
"Josh chill. I'm gonna trust him little by little. I love that you're like my big brother, but until I say so try no to punch him or anyone else. Because your career is literally in your hands. And I think Jess might have a heart attack if you punch someone again. Okay Joshy?"
Josh let out a sigh,"Fine Livy. But Niall if she ever says I can sorry but I'm gonna."
"I get it Josh, but I'm gonna try my best not to let that happen."
With that we sat there talking a got food and before I knew it I had an hour before the last UK show for this tour.
We had 30 mins before we go on and
Liv was making some last minute adjustments to our outfits.
"Okay so during your change of clothes it's gonna be really hard since you have a lot of layers on so just chuck them over to the racks and I'll deal with them later. Okay?"
We all nodded.
"Then break a leg guys." Liv said with a smile.
They all started to go to the spot before we go on except for me.
"Niall you should probably get going?"
I stepped forward again.
"I just wanted to say sorry again for my stupidness."
With that I leaned and kissed her cheek and began to walk away.
"Hey Ni."
I turned around.
"Thanks for being honest."
I smiled and began to run since I couldn't be late.

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