Why? Oh why?

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After the whole "It has nothing to do with her" thing I haven't really seen the boys I've just been working on setting schedules up for the rest of the UK tour and all that. But I still can't get what Niall yelled out of my head like what did he mean? Like cmon the boys have been talking about me and I always seem to catch them like the time on the bus and of course now. I needed to figure out why cause it was driving me insane. So I decided to go to someone who would tell me and that would happen to be a certain British lad...Liam. And with this idea in my head I went to go grab Liam.
After leaving Lou's room I couldn't help but think why I didn't like her besides the fact I thought she was spoiled like there had to be more. Did I actually like her and what was that out burst it wasn't me at all. And neither was this overthinking. Gosh Olivia drove me insane but why? As I finally got back to the stage all four of my best mates were looking at me like I was about to explode again.
"Hey lads I'm sorry for the outburst. Forgive me and let's just rehearse okay?"
"Of course Niall. Let's go." Liam said.
And right as we were about to start we saw Olivia march onto the stage. Oh boy.
"Hey boys sorry to interrupt I need to speak to Liam now it's important."
"Okay Liv what'd you need?" Liam said.
"No like you need to come to your dressing room. Something happened to some clothes of yours and we need to figure out a plan. But I need your help so come on."
Liam gave us a sorry and a wave goodbye.
"Of course lets go."
And then they were gone.
After I grabbed Liam and we were walking towards the dressing room. Liam asked "So what clothes are ruined or?"
"Your clothes are perfectly fine I actually have a question about a certain Irish boy."
"Okay then. Why are you asking me shouldn't you be asking Niall?"
"That makes better sense but your a little more sane and such. Plus you always happen to be there when he goes off about me or you start it."
Liam stopped in his tracks.
"Wait what to you mean by that?"
"I mean like the time today when Niall exploded and the time on the bus when you guys were talking about me. I swear your worse than a bunch of school girls."
"Oh Olivia we weren't gossiping about you. Us four boys were trying to get to the bottom of why Niall didn't like you or doesn't. I'm still quite confused."
"Ughhhhh Liam that doesn't help at all."
And with that I sat on the couch.
"Sorry Olivia if I knew why trust me I'd tell you. But I better get back to the boys cause we actually need to sound check today."
"Oh yea of course. Thanks for helping me sorta. See ya later Liam."
"Bye Liv."
And with that Liam walked out of the dressing room. Also I was back were I started which was no where. So I decided to pull out my headphones and listen to some Luke Bryan. Also I should finish up the schedules for the UK tour.
After I left the dressing room and Olivia I realized how much affect the whole Niall thing had on her. And the truth behold I did feel terrible. As I was walking back to the stage I saw my four best friends goofing off...not surprised.
"Hey Liam what took you so long we got bored!" Louis yelled.
"Yea and I want some sleep so can we actually do this?" Zayn asked.
"No Zayn you don't get sleep you basically woke up an hour ago." Harry said.
"Yes we're going to finally start and finish sound check today." I responded.
Niall just stood still though.
"What's wrong Niall?" I asked.
"Oh nothing I just spaced. Can we just sing a song and be done I'm with Zayn I need sleep."
"Ummm okay let's sing strong and go take naps I guess." I said.
And with that we began to sing.
"Nice job boys finally finished sound check." Paul said.
"Yes now can we go to sleep before the show?" Niall asked.
"Yes all of you but Liam and Louis we need to speak to you." Paul said.
"Oh alright Paul let's go have a party!" Louis yelled.
As Louis said his Harry, Zayn, and Niall began to walk away.
"Wait Harry can you come with us to?" Paul asked.
"Yes sure thang Paul." Harry said and skipped over to us three.
"Goodbye Zayn and Niall and have a good rest." Harry said.
"Okay you three will fill in Zayn after I tell you. As you know Olivia is your new stylist for the rest of this tour which will be for a while. But we need to figure out why Niall has beef with her and fix it because this girl has been through a lot and I would not like to fire her. So make sure Niall behaves and find out what's going on with him. Okay?"
We all shook out heads yes.
"Very well. See you later boys."
And with that Paul left.
"So basically we're screwed if we let Niall screw up again." Louis asked.
Me and Harry nodded yes.
And with that we all walked to our dressing room.

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