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I finally finished the UK schedules and let's just say it didn't take too long,but then again I was listening to music to make the time go faster. After I finished though I couldn't help but still think about whatever this was with Niall. But as I began to think about it again I still couldn't handle it so I put my music on shuffle and blasted it and Good Charlotte started to play. I started to organize the clothes for tonight. As I was half way through I heard the door open and in came a certain blonde fellow I didn't really want to see.
"Oh hey Olivia." Niall said.
"Hi." I mumbled.
He sat down.
"I couldn't go to sleep even though I'm dead tired."
I continued to hang clothes."Ummm okay then."
"So can I hang out here?"
"It's your dressing room Irish."
He got up and walked towards me.
"Okay I get you probably want an explanation for why I basically yelled it has nothing to do with her. Yes the her was you. And the reason I did this was because Harry was getting on my nerves and I do want to start over and all that because I did miss judge you. And for that I'm sorry."
Niall was still walking towards me he was about an inch away from me but he wasn't stopping. I put my hand out. But before I could say anything three boys walked in.
"Oh sorry are we interrupting anything?" Harry said with a smirk.
And with that I pushed Niall away.
"Nope I was just leaving." And with that I walked away and wondered what the hell was he doing?!? 
After Olivia left I was so confused of what was I going to do. Okay I knew what I was going to do I wanted to kiss Olivia. And that sacred the crap out of me.
"Earth to Niall." Harry said.
"Uh yes?" I responded
"Why were you so close to a certain lady?" He said with his eyebrows going up and down. So I picked up a pillow and chucked it at him.
"I was just gonna I don't really know."
"Yes you do Niall just accept it. You like Olivia you got some odd attraction to her." Liam said.
I groaned and sat down on the couch.
"Do you know why that is mate?" Louis asked.
"Nope I thought I hated her. Then Lou made me be nice or else but now I like her I think or I'm attracted but I don't know why. This sucks."
"Can I give you some advice Niall?" Asked Liam.
"Yup sure not like I'm good at all this junk."
"Maybe try to get to know Olivia a little to see if you actually like her. Because mate if you were going to kiss her we know there's some physical attraction."
And with that Harry and Louis did a hip thrust.
"Guys knock it off" I said.
"And thanks Liam I'll try."
"One more thing mate don't yell about her or say anything insulting." Harry said.
"Hey that was only twice...I think."
"And another thing maybe not ask her on date just try talking to her first."
"And fine I'll take your advice."
With that I got up and went to the mini fridge.
"Wait Niall where's Zayn?" Louis asked.
"Oh he's asleep on the bus... I think."
And with that I explored to fridge looking for a snack.
After I left the boys in there dressing room I was sorta flustered cause I knew what Niall was gonna do. At least I think I do. I think Niall was going to kiss me, but why? As I was sorta pacing through the halls I ran into someone.
"Oops sorry" I said. But I looked up and saw Josh.
"Wait never mind." I teased.
"Oh that's very nice of you Liv." Josh replied.
"I know right" I said with the flick of my hair over my shoulder.
"So why ya pacing?"
"Cause of Irish."
"Oh you mean Niall?"
I nodded yes.
"What did he do this time?"
"I think he might've you know..."
"Wait I know the thing from earlier the yelling?"
"Uh actually pretty much that but with something new. But you can't tell anyone and I mean anyone what I'm about to discuss with you."
"Ummm okay then."
"I'm like 99.9% sure that Niall was going to kiss me." I said and then hid my face.
"He might've done what?!?!?" Josh yelled.
And when Josh did that I ran and covered his mouth.
"Josh shut up!" And with that I removed my hand from his mouth.
"How are you 99.9% sure he was about to kiss you?"
"Cause he was about an inch away from my face so..."
"Oh my gosh."
"Okay your suppose to be sorta calm right now."
"And why is that?"
"Cause your a guy and suppose to help me." And with that I slid down the wall.
"Hey hey Liv I'll be calm now." Josh said and slid down the wall with me.
"But how are you 99.9% sure why not like 100% sure?"
I turned to him and slapped him.
"Cause that's like a saying so yea."
"Okay why couldn't you have said that and not slapped me?"
"Cause what's the fun in that?" I said with a smirk.
"Okay my turn to ask another question how you doing besides confused?"
"Whatcha mean?"
"Like if Niall actually kissed you what would you do like kiss back or slap him?"
"Well...maybe I would kiss him but I'd definitely slap him."
Josh chuckled.
"Okay then my advice is confront him or better than that let it be. And just let him chase you and see where it goes."
"Okay so I'll just see where it goes." And that's when I got up "I better go and get ready to style."
"Okay have fun Liv."
And with that I walked back towards the dressing room. I just gotta keep it cool let it roll of my back. And with that I opened the door and walked in.
Hope you enjoy the story and keep reading :)
And can you believe Zayn is going solo....WOW

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