Chapter 10

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The guy opened a big pair of wooden doors. They creaked a lot, making me question if they usually use this room or not.

The doors themselves were big and had flowers carved into the wooden material they were made out of. They had a big handle each, the same color and model. It looked cool, like something from a movie.

The doors opened up and revealed rows and rows of bookshelves, all with books filling them up. Even though the room looked cool, there was a lot of dust covering it's beauty. A lot of dust, resembling the lack of people who usually is in this room, or even read these books.

"So, Caspian, you have come here again I see," an old voice spoke through the room. Short after that an old woman walked out from the dark of the other side of the room.

Now I saw that the room only had a few candles and an fire to keep it light. The corner where the woman came out from was not lit up at all.

The old woman walked up to us and closed the door, "And you've brought a girl with you?"

The man, who apparently was named Caspian, murmured a muffled yes to the woman.

"And who are you?" I couldn't help but notice that the woman was staring at me when she spoke.

My heart beat raised just a little, "I am Stella, Beta of the Unwanted's," I answered truthfully.

"It wasn't that answer I suspected from you," the woman said with a dramatical voice as she narrowed her eyes at me, "Princeps."

Princeps? I've heard that before, Brea has called me that before. But what does it mean though?

"Princess," Brea suddenly said.

"What?" My words came out with a little frown appearing on my face.

"Princess, it means princess," Brea explained to me slowly with a calm tone in her voice.

"Huh," I mumbled lowly, tilting my head to take a look at this old woman in front of me.

She had long hair, almost down to her waist. And it was all the same white tone of oldness. She must be really old to have white hair, as a werewolf you don't age very fast appearance wise.

The woman was wearing a dress that looked really heavy. It had a beautiful color, looking both very dark red and purple - almost like a plum.

She must be one of the elders of this pack. That means I am to respect her.

I gave her question back to her, "Who are you?"

"I am Gerida," the woman simply answered as she turned her back at me to walk back to that corner she was at when we entered.

"Well that was strange," Caspian murmured down at the floor. So is she not usually acting like this?

"So, tell me, why are you two here?" A candle lit up in the dark corner, making it just as light as the others.

"She wanted to see a book I've read before," Caspian said quickly as he walked up to a bookshelf to look for the book.

The woman turned around from the corner with a book in her hand, "Are you searching for this one?"

Caspian turned around. When his glance reached the book his expression turned from focused to stunned. Slowly, he nodded.

The woman walked up to a table a few meters away from me and laid the book down. She looked up at Caspian, giving him a look telling him to come over there. I walked over there too.

The book laying on the table had a beautiful cover. Half of it was blue and half of it grey.
The front was grey, and the back blue.

All over the back there was stars, white ones, silver ones, gold ones, yellow ones and even red, blue and green ones too.

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