Chapter 2

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I looked myself in the mirror, my reflection showed me what I looked like. These years of being here, I had not changed a thing. Or well, yeah - a little. My length, for an example. I had grown a little bit upwards, which I really liked, but I still felt short.

The blue hair I'm now dying even darker, you have to look pretty closely to see the blueness of it. Or if you see a strand or two.

My eyes were the same brown as they had been all my life, not too dark and not too light.

I looked a bit healthier too, not that I wasn't healthy before, I just look like that. The "werewolf-tan" looked better on me now, I wasn't looking pale anymore.

Amber had me dressed up in one of her red pair of pajamas pants with a see trough white t-shirt to it, with undies underneath too. Both of them were oversized, which I liked.

I chose the pajamas Amber had on, in exchange for her choosing mine.

I chose a oversize black t-shirt for her, with the text "ew, don't touch me" on it. Then I chose a pair of pink pajama shorts for her. She fit in the little outfit, which med me happy. I don't really have the best fashion taste and when I make something work out, in terms of clothing, I just want to jump and clap my hands.

"We are looking hot," Amber stated. I chuckled at her and slapped her arm, not too hard though, I don't want to hurt her.

"Let's go then," she said and we walked out of her room.

Amber had the most girly room I've ever seen. She had three white walls and one bright pink. She had small framed quotes hanging on her walls. Quotes such as "Girl power is the best power" and "hakuna matata". Her bed, wardrobe, desk, bookshelf and door was white.

On her bookshelf she had all her perfumes displayed, along with photos on her, her friends and her family.

I don't know what others think, but it's the girliest room I've ever seen.

We walked downstairs while Amber was talking about some new guy in school who had talked to her and she apparently had a crush on him.

Before entering the living room I heard someone scream, Amber stopped talking as we rushed into the room.

I didn't see someone hurt, but every girl was snuggled up in blankets, sitting super close to each other.

Amber and I frowned at them, "What's happening here? We just heard a scream!"

"Noah has a spider in his hand," A girl named Helia said and cuddled further into our friends.

I looked up at Noah and the other boys, they were all smirking at the girls.

Amber let out a little squeal and jumped into the couch a few meters away.

"I don't see why a tiny little spider can be so frightening," I said sighing at all the girls.

"Yeah, I was just going to take it out," Noah said and opened a window, letting the spider walk away on the house wall.

"Let's just watch the movie," A girl called Gina said and turned on the TV.

I git curious, "What movie are we watching?"

"Despicable me," Cedric said, chuckling.

"C'mon guys! You know that I hate that movie," I groaned, that movie haunts my dreams. Not in a good way though.

"No, you just hate the minions," Helia said, slightly chuckling.

I glared at her before sitting down beside Amber in the couch.

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