Holding a heart

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I hid my bright red face in the folds of my black jacket.

  "HE TALKED TO YOU!!!!' ashely sqealed

"I KNOW I CAN'T BELIVE IT!!" i sqealed back. He told me I was beautiful and asked to meet him at the park.

     "WHAT DID HE SAY!" syris asked

"That I was beautiful and to meet him at the park" I smiled

       "OH MY GOSH!"  all of my friends said together. 

    Just as I closed my locker The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. 2 more weeks and Im offically out of this place and movin to Hollywood to audition to Americas got talent and try to be found.

    I walked with brook and ashely to the lot. I walked to my parking spot to see my car was replaced with a lotus. There was a note on the back with my name on the envalope.

       The note read " Dear Scarlett, I am sorry i missed your 18th birthday. Here Is your gift. This car was paid by cash and you get to keep it its signed in under your name. Love dad."

         The keys fell out of the note and into my  hand along with 1,000 dollars.

I jumped in drivers seat and turned  the engine on. The underneathe turned a neon red color and my car wasa dark red and the rims were neon green. It had butterfly doors. those are the doors that open up.

       "Hey ashley. lets go im taking yo home busses just left" i yelled. She hopped in passanger and I drove down her street and dropped her off. I said goodbye and drove home. I live alone because My parents live in paris. I moved because I wanted to live in america.

                      I walked to the mirror and looked at The girl staring back at me.

     she had long black straight hair with natural white and red streaks. Her eyes are light blue almost grey. and shes 5'6. she Is very nice but unexpanctanly talented.

         I grabbed my guitar and sat in my living room. I started playing my guitar.

"I can feel the pheonix inside of me as I march alone to a different beat. slowly swallowing down my fear yeah yeah. I am ready for the road less traveled. Suiting up for my crowning battle.this test is my own cross to bare. But i will get there. Its never easy to be choosen never easy to be called standing on the front line when the bombs start to fall I can see the heavens but i still hear the flames calling out my names. I can see the writing on the walls, i cant ignore this war. at the end of it all who am i living for." I stopped singing and ooked up to see my crush standing in the threshold of the living room with my ipod. his mouth was wide open. 

"you dr-d-dropped th-thiss" he handed me the i-pod. 

"Thanks, sorry about that. i know im bad." I said.

"You arent bad, your amazing." He leaned against the wall next to me. i opened my mouth to say something but my words were stopped by his lips. 

    His lips fell ontop of mine and he wrapped his arms around my waist

                       read the next chapter and r&r The girl the side is scarlett

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