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Hey everyone I want to say that I know you guys want more but I unfortunately c cannot add to the story at all this weekend. I sadly have a 100 point paper due on Tuesday for school and no I have not even started writing it yet... I'm such a procrastinator...  I am also having a slight form of writers block... So I am now taking ideas! Also happy new year!!!! I hope to update soon however. I also hope to update my YouTube account soon. I also want to give a shout out to 4 great friends for helping me figure out whether to continue this book or not. Those accounts are Megluvstoread LoveNikkiStories lucygirl0710 and AlyssaDrake868
Also I finally read the book the fault in our stars and if you haven't already read it I think you should, it's a great book.

Lucaya  pregnancy fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang