the last bit

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A.N. Thank you everyone, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and do comment and vote ^-^ and thanks to ElQueLlora and Raikens1 who made it possible for this book to be so awesome XD.

                                                                                    -ary6644 signing out (\o_o/)

A.N. I was so excited to start working on this book! It took a lot of effort on everyone's part and months of writing.  Derek has to be one of my favourite characters and I hope all of you guys liked him as much as I do.  Thank you my fellow writers to make this book a real success.


A.N. ‘Allo dahlings. This took far too much effort to write >.< Hopefully I don’t murder Raik before we finish the second book. Oops, spoiler. My bad xD Rhys was fun to write as, especially since I got to exposed a little of my anime fan-ness. Thanks for all the support and I hope to see that the sequel has as much or more success.

                                                                                       -Till next time, ElQueLlora

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