Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (Rhys)

                I walked into the building where I worked staring wide-eyes at the others as they cam and went. I went straight to my desk and plopped down in the large chair behind it. “Morning Rhys!” a large glass of water clinked into the table in front of me,  George Smith came into view. “Good Morning.” I stared into the water momentarily mesmerizing by the light of my ice blue eyes “Have I missed anyting?” “Not yet.” I stretched, tipping my head back I toke long drink of the water emptying it in one go. George blinked “Well somebody was thirsty.” His voice floated past my ears  as I was focused on getting the cup to stick to my face. I had just gotten it offer my mouth when Agent O’Neill walked out of the other room that served as his office. His solid grey eyes focused on me instantly. “Get that of your face.” I wordlessly pull it off sheepishly at my desk George reached offer and messed my naturel spiky hair. The corner oy my mouth twitched thankfully as I focused on O’Neill. ”Alright everyone, we just got information on a string of murders in a small town called Zere, they have requested-” I sat bolt upright in excitement hitting my knee on the desk and making the glass fall noisily “Zere? Like from Dragonquest? I’ve always wanted to go there!” O’Neill casted me and irritated look and Georges should shook in a silent laughter. After minute O’Neill shook his head in a dumbfounded annoyance and continued. “They’ve requested our assistance, so the unit will be flying there at noon today. So get home and get packed.” With a nod, he dismissed us. Once I was outside I made my way to where my transportation was parked, I pulled a skate board out from under Georges car and began my three block journey.

                After kicking up my skateboard and leaning it against the side of the small house, I pulled up the long sleeve of my trench coat. I had several bracelet sized key rings climbing up my arm. I chose the thirty-sixth key to my second left and fit it into the lock. I pulled open the door, only to be met with another. I then chose the third key on the…..

                About 20 minutes later, I was finally inside my house “Do you really need seventeen doors Rhys?” I asked myself as I went into my bedroom and pulled my suitcase out from under my bed, I kept talking “Of course you do. What would you do with sixteen doors?” I plopped the suit case on my bed and began packing, a few pairs of jeans and some T-shirts later I opened my closet. On the hangers hung not sweaters and hoodies but with socks. My closet was filled with hundreds of socks all different colors and patterns. I filled the rest of my suitcase with mismatched pairs of socks then zipped it up. Grabbing my music payer off my side table. I dragged my suitcase from the bed and pulled it towards the door/doors. When I was outside again I stuffed my skateboard into the gap between the 16th and 17th door then looked up. I was only waiting for a few minutes before I heard tires against the pavements. The long black limo pulled up in front of my house and he door slowly opened reviling O’Neill. “C’mon Malone, we don’t have all day.” “You just got here.” I grumbled under my breath as I climbed into the limo getting an understanding smile from Agent Bolt. She pulled in my suitcase in after me and closed the door. “Don’t mind him. He’s just upset because we had to stop to avoid hitting a dog.” “A dog or a puppy?” her blue eyes darkened with confusion “A grown mutt, I think why?” I ran my fingers through my spiky hair nervously “Just curious…” I blinked and began to play Boss on my IPod.

                 Eventually we came to a stop, and I stuffed my faithful electronic back into my pocket. I grabbed my suitcase and dragged it after ma as I followed O’Neill’s large shape as he stormed into the airport. By the time we go to the jet my legs ached. O’Neill was a lot taller than me and it was tough keeping up with him. He turned suddenly and I froze. It was when he said my name I knew that ti was in trouble. “Rhys…” “Yes…?” His green eyes where blazing “Smarten up; I know you’re well eccentric and I don’t want you to embarrass us in California. In other words, don’t be yourself.” Without another word, he turned and stomped onto the jet. “Yes sir.” I stuttered quietly. Was I eccentric? I was raised being told I was ‘a different kind of girl’ by my father both of them. Agent Bolt came up behind me and seeing my sullen expression, patted my head, as if I was a small kid. “It’s okay Rhys. Being different is good. Drew doesn’t know how screwed he would be if you leaved the unit.” “Thank you Emily.” I smiled sadly at my fellow female, and then made my way into the jet. I avoided O’Neill’s gaze and quickly clamed the couch where I quickly fell asleep.

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