Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 (Samantha)

                My eyes flickered back up at the rear-view mirror, the head lights from the other car gone. I relaxed my hands which had already turned white form my tight grip. I looked over at the seat beside me, at the two pieces of C4 and the remote detonator. I did warn them, I kept telling myself, they crossed the line. Slowly the spaces between got smaller and the paved road turned to gravel. Finally my heads hit the reflectors at the front of the drive way and turned smoothly. I stopped the car getting out and grapping the C4 and my gun before walking to the door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door hiding my gun behind my back.

                The door was opened by a tall muscular man with a wolf tattoo on his arm. “Sam? Samantha Carter!” he said in a slight surprise. “Brandon.” I said plainly and pushed my way past him. He closed the door and smirked putting his hand against the wall beside my head. “Why don’t you come sit down, we can talk.” “Why don’t you sit down.” I suggested pulling out my gun and pushed it against his chest. He stepped back slightly “Wow, Sam what are you doing?” he said nervously. “Sit down.” I gestured at a chair in the kitchen. He quickly backed away from me and sat down in the chair. “If this is for me hitting you, I was just teaching you discipline.” “Really?” I walked towards him, “So pushing me down the stairs was good for me?” I laughed slightly grabbing the duct tape from the cupboard. “I changed Sam, I have a wife and two little boys!” “Ya, ya the I have changed speech, I heard it often enough.” Brandon pressed his lips together as I duct tapped his hands behind the chair. Without another word I grabbed the home phone and dialled 911, while I waited from them to answer I set the C4 on the table in front of Brandon and arming it. “911, what’s your emergency.” Came the voice over the phone. “I want to talk to Officer Derek Chase.” I said having the speaker covered muffling my voice. “Excuse me who is this?” “NOW!” I yelled, and silence followed that. “This is Officer Chase, who the hell is this!” Came Derek’s voice over the phone. “Oak Bay Drive, 532.” I said waiting for Derek to respond, “Who the hell are you?!” “I warned you, you should have listened.” I hung up knowing that the maximum  responds time for this area was about 10 minutes. “Bye-bye.” I covered Brandon’s mouth before quickly walking out and closing the door behind me.

                I jumped into the car and quickly drove out of the drive way and sped down the road, just as I did that my phone started ringing. I picked it up seeing Derek’s number on the screen. “Carter.” “It’s Derek, listen to me carefully.” I turned onto a paved road and pulled over my truck and leaned back in the seat. “What is it?” “Our unsub gave me a call,” Unsub, I thought, that Agent chick was getting into his head, “He gave us an address, Oak Bay Drive, 532.” “I’m near there, I’ll meet you there.” “Don’t go inside Sam do you understand! Who knows what he planned.” With that he hung up and I put my phone away, waiting for a bit before turning around and driving back to Brandon’s house. Before I got out I grabbed the detonator and slipped it into my pocket. As I got out I saw the car that was following me before, I gasped leaning back against my truck but then Derek and Sky got out of the car. He walked over to me, “We have to wait for O’Neill to show first.” He said glancing at the house, Sky came up behind him drawing her gun and looked at Derek. He smiled slightly his hand awkwardly pulling back from a reach towards her free hand.

                Two more SUV’s came into the drive way, joining us were O’Neill , Tric, Rhys and Bolt all had their guns in hand. “Okay guys we might have a hostage situation, whatever you do don’t push the unsub he is already mentally unstable.” Said O’Neill walking towards us, “We have to be careful.” “Officer Pond.” Tric toke over, “Take point, Agent Bolt and Officer Chase behind her.” Derek and Emily nodded following Sky. Rhys slowly wandered over to me and I tightened my grip on my gun, “I’d back up if I were you, I have a gun.” I threatened her; she didn’t seem to care much. “All evidence points at you Miss Carter.” I glared at her and looked at Sky advancing on the house, it was now or never. I slipped my hand into my pocket and pressed the detonator, at first nothing seemed to happen but then and ear splitting explosion shattered the silence, Sky was thrown back like a rag doll, me and Rhys were slammed against one of the SUV’s the glass shattering and cutting us up. Silence followed that, my vision was blurry as I tried to blink it off, I saw Derek running over to me his mouth was moving but I couldn’t hear him. “Sam! Sam! Are you alright?” I nodded hearing him finally and taking his hand to stand up, he nodded and ran over to Sky’s body. I brushed my hair back finding a puddle of blood on the back of my head. I looked up the house was burning, glass scattered around on the ground, sirens in the distance coming closer.

                As the paramedics arrived they toke Sky’s body and Derek got on the ambulance with her followed by Tric. “What the hell was that!” Rhys came up behind me and slammed my into the ambulance. “What!” I snapped being startled for a second. “You did this.” She growled. “No I didn’t.” “You’re lying!” “Rhys!” Emily came up behind her pulling her off me and letting the paramedics come towards me. Rhys fought of Emily but instead of attacking me again she turned around and walked away. The paramedics toke one look at my cut at the back of my head and took me into one of the ambulance.

                When I finally got my stiches done on my head and the doctor leaved telling me I should have some bed rest but instead I got up and walked to where I knew Sky would be. I opened the door quickly hearing the steady beeping of the heart rate monitor, Derek was sitting in the chair beside the bed his hand on hers, he looked up at my. He had defiantly been crying, his face was pretty dirty except for the places where the tears had run down his face. “How is she?” I asked seeing a different look in Derek’s eyes that made me feel unsettled. “They don’t know, she might-” he sniffed “She might not pull through.” “Oh.” I looked down. “It makes sense you know.” Said Derek suddenly breaking the silence standing up. “Derek, I know you and Sky were close but don’t do anything you will regret while you’re blinded with grief.” I said trying to keep my voice calm, his eyes were murders. “Then tell me something, why don’t you go to the funerals of your foster parents? Mhm?” He snapped, “Yes I studied you, every single one of the victims was related to you, they all took you in!” My gaze hardened, “In all honesty those basters deserved to die!” I pulled up my sleeve reviling old stiches and scars running up my arm. “They beat me Derek!” “That gives you motive doesn’t it?” he pushed me up against the wall. “This is you r fault!” he yelled, for the first time ever his hands were shaking and tears running  down his face. “Your fault.” I tried to continue keeping myself calm and not to start yelling. “Derek listen, I’m sorry about Sky, but you of all people should know I would never hurt her.” Derek stepped back from me running his fingers through his messy hair. “Get out Samantha.” I looked at him, “Derek you’re just upset you’re looking for someone to blame.” I said trying to calm him down. “GET OUT!” he yelled.

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