Chapter 12

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CHAPTER 12 (Sam)

                Pain, unspeakable pain shoot through my right shoulder, I screamed out in pain falling to me knees form a sudden dizzy spell, I gridded my teeth covering my wound and looking up at Derek who was already aiming his gun again. “You really think you’re doing the right thing aren’t.” I managed to say and keep my voice steady. “You killed her! You killed Sky!” Derek yelled, “After years working with her...why?” A tear ran down his beaten up face. “Derek?” Rhys voice came form behind Derek snapping my attention to her. She was with O’Neill, a new found rage ran through my body, this was all her fault if only the FBI didn’t get involved. “You bitch. ” I yelled raising my gun and firing the last shoot at her. “Rhys! Watch out! ” O'Neill pushed her aside my shoot hitting him in the leg. He screamed out in pain and I gridded my teeth. “Why did you do it Sam…WHY!” Derek advanced on me, “Why did you kill al those people! Why did you blow up that house, there were kids in there, KIDS.” He shook his head, “You promised me once you would never harm a child.” I looked at Derek, I was surprised to see such a good friend of mine turn against me in just a few days. “Derek…” I shook my head, “You would never understand! You have no idea what I have been through!” I walked right up to him so the barrel of his gun was against my chest, I looked right at him. “Do it then, ” I said with a dead expression, “Prove to me you can kill a person!” Derek looked at me stone cold his finger on the trigger, he continually tried to avoid my gaze but I didn't take my eyes off him. “Derek don't do it!” Yelled Rhys, “Sam, I know what you have been through! I read your file.” I looked at Rhys, she was kneeling beside O'Neill looking at me. “I know you have been abused to no end, every place you went there was always someone who hurt you.” I continued looking at her memories running through my head. “But Sam even though it might not seem like it there is someone out there just waiting to meet you, someone who isn't going to hurt you.” Lies, I thought, it was just a negotiation strategy and it almost worked. I smirked “Well for you sadly its not me!” I twisted Derek's hand taking hold off his gun and firing at Rhys, in a split second she was pushed down by O'Neill who drew his own gun and fired at me. “Good-bye.” With that I dropped the gun and flipped over the side off the building. “NO!” I heard Derek yell as I hit the fire escape using the ladder I slid down safely to the ground and toke off running. Before I turned the corner I saw Derek at the top of the building looking down franticly yelling, Rhys pulled him back form the edge and that was the last time I ever saw him, before I disappeared into the dark alley way.

                The next day I was on the first flight out of the country, all over the news was the happenings from the day before. Everyone was on a look out for a girl with long black hair and piercing blue eyes, I smiled to myself as I walked past a mirror looking at my reflection, dyed blonde hair and fake gray eyes.  “You're free to go Miss Pond. Have a good time in Canada.” The security guard waved me on giving me my passport. I toke my bags looking at the passport, I was Sky Pond, and I walked onto my plane settling down in my seat and watched as the small city of Zere faded under me.

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