The Search for Paradise - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

**Bea's POV**

I have made up my mind. I am going to be strong and tell Alex to leave me alove. Adam has done nothing wrong and I really like him! Then there's Ben, but I don't even know him yet! We didn't even kiss! I suddenly had a good idea and ran and grabbed my phone. I rummaged through my bag until I found what I was looking for. A small peice of paper that Alex gave me on my first day had his number on it. I sent him a quick message:

Bea: I am gonna have to ask you to stay away from me. No offence, but I'm with Adam and I hope you respect that. Sorry but this is something I need to do. Bea

After I clicked 'send' I felt immensly relieved. I got a reply soon enough.

Alex: Whatever you say. But, I'll be there for when you need a shoulder to cry on after the break up. Alex

I scoffed at this.

Bea: What makes you so sure that there'll be a break up?? Bea

Alex: There always is with Adam. Alex

I froze. What did he mean 'there always is'?? What sort of thing is that to say? He was probably just messing with my head though.

Bea: Huh?? Explain. Bea

He didn't text me again and I fell into a dreamless sleep until I was rudely awoken by one of my many brothers pasting a wet flannel across my face. "URR!! Who is tha- Danny!" I pushed my youngest brother, who was cackling dramatically, off my face, he ran off round the corner of the corridor.

I heard two voices suddenly start giggling, "I got her! Right in the face!" Danny said, breathlessly, between laughs. The other noise would undoubtedly be my other brother, Danny's twin, Harry.

I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock, it said 8.04am. I pulled my pillow over my head and groaned unhappily, nobody should be up at 8 on a Sunday! Why did I live in a house full of mad people?? My mum darted in, singing as she went, she was smiling, her curly brown hair bouncing around her shoulders. How had she got time to curl her hair at this time?! I breathed in and realised she smelt of bacon. I sat up suddenly.

"You made breakfast?" I said, all thoughts of anger towards my family dissapearing. She laughed lightly.

"That got you up! Yes, I made breakfast, its ready for you now." Mum said to me. "I sent the boys up to wake you up."

I swung my legs off the bed and rubbed my eyes, then stared at her unhappily. "It was you who sent them up here." I said. She laughed again.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. Why haven't you put this laundry away?! I put it here three days ago!" I left her muttering to herself and went downstairs.

As I walked into the kitchen I was overwhelmed by a smell of buttered toast, sausages and bacon. I slid into my seat around the familiar dining table. It was wooden, and we had had it for as long as I remember. I looked up to see my dad carrying three plates of sausages, bacon and eggs. I grabbed a plate and dug in.

**1 hour later**

I looked down at my phone, which had just vibrated loudly, and saw that I had a text from Courtney. It was asking me if I wanted to meet up with her at the local park. She also suggested inviting Adam along. My heart lurched. Why had I been so stupid?? No one knew. Nobody except me. And Alex. As long as he didn't tell. I was safe. Besides, I only had one date with Adam! It's not like he's my boyfriend. I texted Courtney back and invited Adam along too. Adam seemed pleased I had asked him, and said he'd meet us there in ten minutes.

I got the last of my stuff ready and set off walking. A sudden honking made me have a mini spaz on the pavement. I turned around to give the driver the finger, when I saw Courtney in the front seat of her car, laughing so much she was practically wetting herself.

"Hey, slow poke! Wanna ride?" She offered between laughs. I ran round the side of the car and got in the passenger seat. She kept laughing for a minute or so but she stopped when her favourite song came on, to sing as loudly as she could along to the radio.

There are a lot of things that Courtney is good at. But, unfortunately for me (and everyone within a two mile radius) singing isn't one of those things. But despite all the stares, I joined in, and sang along with her. After a minute of us sounding like a pair of strangled cats, she turned to me with wide eyes and said, "You know, your singing is REALLY crap!" I burst out laughing, and we arrived at the park within a minute.

I saw Adam before we got there, he was stood by the gate, and when he saw us he smiled. He was wearing a loose fitting T-Shirt and knee length shorts. His hair was stuck up in all directions, but it was obviously gelled. Our local park is really big, and loads of dog walkers use it a lot.

We parked the car in the nearby car park and walked over to Adam. He came up to me and hugged me tightly. "hey babe." he said, looking me up and down. I lightly punched him in the arm.

"Dont call me that. Ever." I don't know why but it really irritated me. Like it was a way of claiming possession. It also seemed kind of lazy, like they couldn't be bothered to come up with their own nickname. He smiled sheepishly and I forgave him instantly. "So, where are we going?" I said, scrunching my eyes up because of the sun.

"I was thinking we could just go round town for a while... Okay?" Courtney said. I couldn't help but laugh when I noticed how her voice went quieter and her gaze followed a pair of boys about our age as they walked past. She gave me a glare and I laughed harder. Adam had a confused look on his face, and I could tell he had no idea about what we were laughing at. 

After we had calmed down, we walked across the park. Eventually, we thought it would be a better idea if we walked around town for a bit, as there wasn't that much to do in the park. So, we headed to the street that connected the park to town. We wandered round for a while but then we got really bored and so we just kicked an old coke can along the pavement. 

So, at about 6pm, we headed home and Courtney said that she thought we should go to the beach tomorrow, as the weather is meant to be really good. It's a bank holiday and apparently loads of people are going.

"Yeah! Sounds good! Can you give me a lift?" I asked. She nodded, and then asked Adam if he would come too. He agreed, and then held my gaze meaningfully for a minute, as if trying to tell me something. I blushed, and then closed the door on them, telling them that I would see them tomorrow.


Picture to the right is Alex... dauummm he is hawwwtt!! he's smokin' -Charlotte

That is all. Sorry if it's short but I tried my bestest. I don't know how many pages it is but it took ages to write so :P. Charlotte is doing the next chapter and I did all of this one. Give us support cos it makes me feel that I am writing for people and that they are actually reading it... ya'know? Anyway leave a comment or I'll kick your ass! I also will not leave wattpad for holidays again... unless, I have to... I'm only 14, I go with my parents. :)

Charlie <3

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