More Kyndy

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Hey guys,

Yes this story is finally over,and I'm very happy about that because in all honesty, I hated how it was still not finished and it has been so long.

Yeah I chose that neither, Stan or Kyle, gets the girl but I like this ending and I hope you do too. But looking through this story and remembering how I felt writing it, I realized how much I really love the pairing of Wendy x Kyle. In fact, It's probably my favorite Wendy pairing and second favorite Kyle pairing, the first one is to the great ship of Kybe (Kyle x Bebe) {Don't worry i still love style but these two I love a little bit more :p}

With Kyndy however, it's not very popular or very well known and that's saddening because I really like these two together, but I have a few ships that no one knows or cares about but that's besides the point. I really want to give this pairing another chance and a story all about them, so that's what I'm going to do, I'm going to write a kyndy fanfiction, with maybe staig and cartters in it as side ships, after I finish up with a few other fanfics, I'll be hoping to start it.


@cheekyhoe for helping me out with ideas and funny scenes, the emo Butters was entirely her idea, thank you. Also thank you for helping me sort out a kyndy idea I have had for so long. { this brilliant artist made the cover as well :D}

@KewlKyenny789 thank you for giving me ideas and helping me sort out when I had trouble thinking, I believe it was you that helped me come up with the main conflict and thank so much for that.

And thank all of you for reading this story and being patient with me, for not updating or being lazy on the chapters. Hope you enjoyed this story and I'll see you next time

{Always keep Shipping}

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