Still into you

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Stan's pov

It was about 3:30 in the morning. I couldn't sleep at all. The thoughts of my previous talk with Wendy and Kyle, just wouldn't leave me alone. Kyle had gotten so angry and I honestly felt bad, but still. I loved Wendy and I felt like she felt the same and I knew I sounded selfish, but I wanted her back.

Since I couldn't stand being in the house, I was just mindlessly walking around town. I kept my hands deeply into my pockets and looked down at my feet. My heart was very heavy and I wanted to just forget almost everything.

I stopped thinking about my problems, when I passed Wendy's house. I slowly turned my head to look at the house. I remembered the time I had come over and we tried to figure out the girl's ugliest to cutest list. I remembered the determination of wanting to help Kyle. To make him happy again. Though now he and I weren't even talking to eachother. Though that was fine, because if Kyle didn't want to talk to me, then he didn't have to!


I looked up to Wendy's window and saw her looking at me. I had apparently been clenching my fists and kicking the snow, and she had gotten a little confused.

"Oh Hey Wendy," I called over to her "wats up?"

"Stan why are you standing outside my house?" She asked

"I'm just taking a walk," I said "And I happened to stumble across your house."

Wendy sighed and walked out of room. I simply just stared at the window. After a few minutes, Wendy walked out her front door and sat on her porch. She beckoned me to sit next to her after a few minutes of staring. I nodded and slowly walked over and sat next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah I'm okay," Wendy said "Look Stan we need to talk,"

"Yeah what is it?" I asked holding my hands together

"Well Stan I still kinda love you," Wendy said not looking at me.

"Really?" I said happily "Wendy I love you too!"

"Stan that's what I wanted to talk about," Wendy said frowning at me. My eyes widened a little bit but I shook it off. I didn't say anything and waited for her to speak.

"I might love you, but I have to get over it," She said playing with a lock of her hair

"Why?" I asked a little hurt and confused

"Because I'm with Kyle," Wendy said "And I'm not going to hurt him, I had hurt you in the past, and I still can't get over that,"

"Wendy," I began but I didn't know what to say. I knew what she was coming from. After all we've broken up before and that did hurt a lot, but it was also the Kyle issue. Since Kyle had a crush on Wendy since pre-school and was finally getting her as a girlfriend, why the hell would he give her up? Also Kyle believed I didn't care about his feelings, so if I were to steal his girlfriend from him, then it would prove that point even more.

"Stan I want you and Kyle to be friends," Wendy said ignoring my last sentence "I'm staying with Kyle because I like him a whole lot but also because I just feel..."

"Bad?" I asked "It's alright It's understand really."

"I'm sorry Stan," Wendy said "Though I truly want to be friends,"

"Me too," I smiled. Wendy looked a surprised by my smile but returned it. I realized that Wendy and I were only meant to be friends and only friends. Even though I still was in love with her, we both knew what the better thing was. If we just let what was going on continue then there wouldn't be any more conflict.

"Well I should be heading home," I said standing up

"Alright see ya Stan!" Wendy said giving me a hug goodbye. I returned it and went along home. I gave her house one final look before I crossed the street.

Wendy's pov

I stood up to watch Stan leave. He was a good person and friend. I was glad he was being so mature about the whole situation and that we were friends again. After I could no longer see him, I went inside.

"Oh Stan," I sighed closing the door "I'm still into you."

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