You had a....

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Butters pov

I woke up that morning feeling excited. Eric had asked me to go to the amusement park with him. I was so glad that he was becoming a better fella. I knew being shunned and beaten up was really mean, but there was good coming out of it, and that's all that mattered.

I got out of bed and went to my dresser to change from my footsies to my usaul attire. It was early but Eric and I wanted to leave as soon as possible. My dad was at work and my mom was still asleep. I had told her about my plans the previous night but still didn't want to wake her. I quietly tip toed downstairs.

After I walked outside, I took out my cell to call Eric.

"Hey!" He said through the phone "You outta of the house?"

"Yup!" I said nodding even though I knew he couldn't see me "I left real early just like you told me."

"Awesome," Eric said

"Where are ya now?" I said moving my head to look around

"Right behind ya!" Eric walking up behind me putting down the phone "Sup Butters."

I turned around and hugged Eric. He pushed me away smiling. I was so excited I didn't notice the small blush that Eric was conveying. We looked at eachother for a minute or two until Eric cleared his throat.

"Well, are we gonna go?" He said not looking at me

"Oh yeah," I said starting to walk and Eric joined me.

Cartman's pov

I was so mad at myself. Everytime Butters would even smile at me, I'd blush. All I wanted was to hang out with my best and only friend at the moment, and I was acting like it was a fucking date. Though it was impossible because I wasn't gay and neither was Butters. Or was he could he be?

"God Dammit," I said under my breath. Why did it matter if he was gay? Why now all the sudden I was thinking so much about him? Why couldn't this just be a normal thing with a friend, why did I have to act so gay?

"Are ya okay Eric?" Butters asked me. I looked at him and realized that my fists were clenched and my eyes were wide. I nodded violently and turned away from him. He shrugged and kept walking.

I felt my face getting hotter as my eyes kept switching between the way to the park and to Butters free hand. I had the strange temptation to grab it. Butters was doing some weird skipping thing and his hand kept banging into my own. I finally couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed onto the blonde's hand.

"Eric?" Butters asked confused "Uh..."

He looked at my our hands, which were now intertwined with one another. I strengthened my hold on Butters's hand and kept walking as if it was nothing. Since it was so early no one was outside, at least no one who would care about two little boys holding hands. Butters looked confused but didn't let go and kept walking.

We finally got to the amusement park a few minutes later. It wasn't much but still looked like fun. There was a huge pink gate like door, with the words Georgie McBobs Grand Park! In gold lettering.

"Georgie McBobs hehe," Butters laughed covering his mouth with his free hand.

We walked inside the door and stood there looking around. There were two rows of booths on either side of the park. Far ahead of us was a ferris wheel and a few roller coasters with some other rides.

"This place sure is neato!" Butters said looking around with wide eyes.

"Yeah," I said then realized we were holding hands still and I quickly let go of his. He didn't really notice and kept looking around.

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