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Kyle's pov

For the next few days I planned out, my greatest act of my life. I was going to just calmly go to Wendy and ask her out. I planned exactly what I was going to do and say. I've never been bad at talking with girls and this was the girl of my dreams. This was going to be the day my life was going to change forever.

The day started off the way it always did. I walked with Stan through the cold weather and snow, all the way to the bus top. I didn't look at Stan the whole walk there. We arrived at the bus stop and everyone was there besides Cartman. In fact he hadn't been at school for a few days but I didn't care at the moment. All I thought about was having Wendy.

"Kyle you okay?" Kenny said as I sat down next to him on the bus

"Yeah I'm cool," I smiled

"Are you going to ask Wendy out?" Kenny asked he was the only one who knew my secret

"Yup," I said dancing in my seat "I hope she says yes!"

"Me too dude," Kenny smiled though I couldn't see it through his orange parka. I smiled too and looked at the window. I couldn't wait to admit my feelings I just couldn't. When the bus finally got to the school, I ran out as fast as I could into the school.

Once I entered the school building, I searched through the hallway for Wendy. I passed my locker several times before getting a little annoyed. I was so in my little search that I didn't realize Butters walking in front of me.

"Ow!" I heard him say as we collided

"Sorry...." I said not paying attention and rubbing my head

"Whatever just pay attention next time," Butters said though it wasn't in his usaul Butters way. He stood up and walked away though I swear I could hear him mutter "Dumbass" as he passed me.

I shook it off and continued my search. I walked pass Mackey's office and the kindergarten room and even the lunchroom about five times until I finally saw Wendy.

Okay Kyle I thought to myself You can do this, you can do this

Wendy's pov

I was wasn't really myself. Ever since Stan broke up with me, I just didn't feel happy. The girls that hated me had won and there was nothing I could do about it. As I put my books into my locker I took a quick glance at Stan. He was by his locker laughing with his new girlfriend. His face was lite up and he looked as if he couldn't be more happy. My heart sank and I just quickly turned my head.

"Wendy?" I turned around to see Kyle standing behind me. I started getting a little excited. Was Stan asking Kyle to talk to me? Did I still have a chance? I quickly jumped at the sight of him.

"Yeah Kyle?" I asked a little too happy "Does Stan have a message for me?"

"No," Kyle said his voice all cold and angry, I could've sworn there was hurt "There is something I wanted to ask you...."

I sighed at my disappointment and looked at Kyle with my full attention. Kyle was one of my good friends always have. Many times when something happened between me and Stan, he'd always be there. He was just a sweet guy I suppose.

"Yeah Kyle what is it?" I said getting my books for class and walking next to him. I didn't notice this but Kyle's face turned bright red as I stood next to him. He sighed and then opened his mouth to speak.

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