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Wendy's pov

A few days after I stood up for Cartman, things started to become weird. For one thing some of the girls would give me weird looks and a few avoided me. Though it didn't bother me much since I still had my closest friends and my boyfriend or so I thought.

"Hey Wendy," I heard someone say behind me

I turned to see Stan standing behind me with his arms crossed.

"Hey Stan," I smiled "What's up?"

"So have you been having fun latley?" He said in a cynical way

"What do yo...."

"You know exactly what I mean!" He yelled "You've been having fun with other dudes!"

I stared at him, shocked from the words. How the hell did he ever come up with that conclusion. I never would cheat on Stan and I thought he knew that.

"Stan," I began

"No!" Stan yelled "I don't want anymore excuses!"

"I wasn't going to say any," I said becoming a little annoyed "I'm just saying if you could tell me where you heard this rumor."

"Everyone knows about it!" Stan said rolling his eyes "I'm not that dumb you know."

"I wasn't implying you were," I said though Stan looked a little confused about at my choice of words so I sighed "Stan, I would never cheat on you honestly."

"Yeah whatever Wendy," Stan said looking hurt and walking away.

"Stan! STAN!" I just stared as Stan got his bag and walked out of the building without looking back. I felt tears running down my face. How could Stan think I ever would cheat. I knew he was mad, I knew he hated me. Though why?

I looked up and found that reason. Lola and Jenny were smiling at me with an evil glare and before leaving they mouthed the words Told ya we get you back!

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