You're never fully dressed without a smile

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Cartman's pov

I was sitting in my room, doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself. I felt so stupid for falling on Butters and now he was never going to talk to me again.


I got taken out of my thoughts to the sound of my phone ringing. I stood up and grabbed it from my dresser drawer. I checked to see who it was and my eyes widened as I found out.

"Butters!" I said excitedly through the phone "Butters I'm so s...

"Eric! Please save me!" I heard him say

"Butters why what's wrong?" I said getting worried

"My he's going to kill me!" Butters said

"Why Butters what did you do!" I asked standing up and grabbing the nearest bagpack and grabbing whatever I thought I needed.

"I called my mom a bitch and stuff and now he's...." Butters stopped talking all the sudden and I heard him heavily breathing from the other end. I heard a bang and a yell. Butters quickly hung up but before he did he muttered a few words.

"Please Eric I'm begging you please save me."

After I huge slam, my heart dropped. Butters was in serious danger and I was going to save him. I looked at my door and then back at my window. I knew going out the door would be slower, but going out the window was completely stupid. So I sighed and ran out the door.

My mother was in the kitchen eating a donut. She was a bit confused to why I was leaving the house but didn't say a thing. Once I was outside I thought out my plan. Well it wasn't really a brilliant strategy but a plan.

As I walked/ran to Butters house I went through my plan. I was to climb up Butters window and slide him out of the house, from the window and we would run to my house. I kept praying in my head that Butters was okay. I knew his father was completely insane and would do awful things to his son. Though I wasn't going to let him do it. Butters was mine and nobody hurts what's mine.

Butters pov

I was hugging my knees so close to my knees, that I could feel it imprinting onto my face. I was leaning back and forth completely terrified. I was so sure I was going to die and I would never be able to do the things I wanted to do. Such as going to highschool, getting a degree in art, become greatly successful and of course.....confess to Eric.

"Butters," I heard Eric whisper from the other side of the closet "Butters its okay it's me,"

I slowly opened the closet door and saw Eric standing there. He looked exhausted and sweat covered his face. Though his facial expression didn't seem to show his exhaustion. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"E.....Eric!" I said before hugging him tightly "You actually came, I didn't think...."

Eric pulled me away and grabbed onto my hand.

"Your dad thinks you are in the other room, we only have a few minutes," He said as he opened the window door.

"What do we do?" I asked a little nervous

"We slide down that rope," Eric said helping me onto it "Then make a run for it."

I was a little scared but shook my head. Eric smiled and nodded and started to climb down the rope. Eric kept his eyes on me the whole way down. Once I was safely on the ground I gave him the thumbs up. He nodded and was about to join me but then stopped. I stared up in his direction and then my eyes widened.

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