Beautiful Freaks become Forever Unstoppable~ Chapter 31

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{Skye's POV}

I woke up and jumped out of bed and ran to grab some clothes. I grabbed some and ran to the bathroom. I ran into Ryan at the doorway to our closet. "Calm down lightning I know you're excited but you shouldn't be running around like a crazy person." Ryan said helping me up. I nodded and ran over to the bathroom and heard him laugh in the background. I took a quick shower and got changed quickly. I did my hair and make up and ran out. I almost fell down the stairs but I regained my balance, it didn't help with Ryan laughing at me. "Didn't your mom ever tell you not to run in the house." He said walking over to me. "Oh haha." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him. We pulled away and smiled. "What's with you today?" He said. I started to walk away. "It's a big day today!" I went to do a cartwheel and remembered that I can't. I landed and didn't hurt myself. "I did a cartwheel!!" Ryan laughed and I ran out the door.

I came to the outside of Bec and Jamie's house and ran inside. "Hey Jamie, Becca's still in bed in guessing." "Yep." I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. I ran up the stairs and into their room. I looked at Becca and how peaceful she looked. I ran and jumped on her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKYPOO!!" I yelled. "HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK'S GOING ON!!?" She yelled jumping up. I was sitting cris cross applesauce and she just glared at me. "Why the fuck would you do that love?" I stood up pulling her up. "Because it's your 19 birthday!" We both started jumping and laughing on the bed. We both fell and still bounced after. "I swear to god love, you get more excited about my birthday than I do." She said. I got up and she walked off and into the bathroom. I laughed and left the room. I walked down the stairs and saw Jamie in the living room. "So do we still have the plan in play?" Jamie asked. I nodded my head and sat down. Tonight we were all going to go out to eat for Becca's birthday. And when I mean all of us I mean all of us. Me, Jamie, Ryan, Anna, Keith, Adrienne, Nash, Jody, Ian, Maggie, and I even got her family to come down!! Fun, fun night ahead of us.

{Jamie's POV}

Today was Bec's birthday so we had the day off. We were going to dinner tonight with our big messed up family and all of our friends. She had no idea though. Me and Skye did talk to her parents and now her parents, sisters, and brother are coming down to spend her birthday with her. I walked down the stairs and started to make breakfast. I don't know how well it will work but we'll see later. I heard the door open and close and I looked and saw Skye run in. "Hey Jamie, Becca's still in bed I'm guessing." "Yep." She smiled and gave me a thumbs up and ran up the stairs. I laughed and went back to the food. All of a sudden I heard screaming coming from our room but I already knew that it was Skye and Bec being themselves. I finished put it in the plate and set it out. I walked over the couch and sat down and turned the tv on. Skye came down a few minuets later Skye came down and I asked her if our plan was still on and she said yeah. Bec came down and I got and walked over to her. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. "Happy birthday babe." "Thank you darling." She said holding onto my sides. "Alright I've had enough of this lovefest. So I'm out." Skye got up and walked to the door. Becca leaned over and stuck her tongue out. "Three words Skyeler. You. And. Ryan." Bec said. I laughed and saw the Skye stop. She turned around and didn't look happy. "Watch your mouth Beccypoo." She said pouting her finger at Becca. Becca gave her the middle finger and I couldn't stop laughing. Skye walked out of the house and I turned around and faced Becca. I pulled her closer to me and I retested my forehead against hers. "You're so short!" I said. She hit me and laughed. "Jamie we've gone over this a hundred times. I'm not short I'm fun size." We both laughed and I pulled her in for a short kiss.

I heard our phone go off a few minuets later and noticed that it was Skye's number. I picked up and heard her voice a second later. "James they got here early. So I suggest we give Bec her present now." "Okay let me get her meet me at the door." "Will do." I hung up the phone and heard the doorbell ring. Fuck that girl is fast. Becca got up and walked over to it and opened it. "Skye?" "Alright Bec, me and Jamie have a present for you." "Yeah so you need to close your eyes." "Why the fuck do I need to close my eyes. What is this present?!" I put my hands over her eyes and there was some fighting but she gave up. I heard footsteps out front and knew that Skye was getting them. "Alright ready Bec. You can open your eyes in three, two." Skye said. I uncovered her eyes and she turned to face me. She looked back and forth between me and Skye. "Are you guys serious?!" She said. Me and Skye smiled and nodded our heads. Becca pulled us into a big hug. "You guys are amazing! I don't know what I'd do without either of you!" "Ummm what about us." One of Becca's sisters said. She looked at me and I told her to go and catch up with her family. Skye left after they did.

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