Beautiful Freaks become Forever Unstoppable~ Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Rebekah Francis

{Skye's POV}

I woke up in my living room wondering if last nights experiences actually happened. I get up off of my floor and looked down at my couch to see Becca sleeping peacefully. I decided that I'd play with her a little. "Hey Becca you want to hang out today," I said in a deeper voice than normal. "Of course I would Jamie." Hehe I love messing with her while she sleeps. I sit in front of her on the floor for another 15 minuets. When I decide that I've heard enough about Jamie coming from her I got up and pulled her off of the couch. "Ahhhh!! Skye why did you do that!" "I heard enough about Jamie, and believe it or not you talk a lot about him in your sleep." She blushed. "Yeah well, well I have nothing about what you do in your sleep." We both started laughing, "Go get dressed we're going out for food" I said while picking blankets and pillows off of the floor. "Awwww but I want pancakes! Why can't we just make them here, I mean look at your kitchen, it's awesome!" She said. "We aren't making them here 1. do you remember that when we make pancakes 2. we are going to Boston after 3. It's fucking 12 in the afternoon and 4. Why do you still call it my house you're over here all the time, you even have a room!" I said while walking towards the stairs to go to my room. "It isn't 12 is it really! Oh shit it is, okay let me go get dressed and we can go!" She said while running past me up the stairs and into her room. "Okay but we're taking my car." I said as I got to the landing. "Okay!" Becca yelled from her room.

20 minuets later and we were all ready we got in my black Camry and starts driving to Mikes to get lunch. We both got pizza and started talking about last nights events. "Was last night real, because I don't believe that I met Jamie Follesé and that he played the drums for me, the only thing that would have made last night better was if he sang!" Becca said. "And you say that I'm obssesed with Ryan. Love your'e more obssesed with Jamie." I said "Oh yeah we never talked about that last night! Thank you love. Meaning we need to talk about it now!" She said. "Uhhhhhhhh Becca what are you talking about?" "Nevermind we have to catch the train it'll be here in 20 minuets. Buttt you will tell when we get on!"she said. "Becca what the hell are you talking about!" I said as she dragged me out of Mikes. After she dragged me out of the restaurant we just walked to the train station since it was only a small walk.

As we waited I thought back to yesterday when we here. Becca was acting like a complete idiot, and now. Now we've met these 4 amazing boys and have become friends with them. "Alright Becca now tell me what on earth I have to tell you about last night." "Don't look confuzzled Skye, you know what I'm talking about." I gave her a confused look. "Don't play dumb. You and Ryan last night." She said as we were getting our tickets from the conductor." Are you serious, we are just friends and nothing more." I said. I wanted it to be more but Ryan probably just wanted to be friends, he probably likes Morgan anyways. "Love are kidding me, I may not have been around for the entire love fest..." "Love fest really Bec." "You didn't let me finish! By the way in case I haven't told you before your'e a bitch. Now before you interupt me again, as I was going to say I saw the way you two were looking at each other. Ryan likes you I know, and if he doesn't I will stopblasting One Direction to wake you up in the morning. I swear on the Bible." "Your so sure of it that you're swearing on the Bible and that you'd stop playing One Direction to wake me up." I asked, biting my lip. "Yes I am chica, and stop biting your lip when your'e nervous." She said. Woww biting my lip has turned into a bad habit when I'm nervous now.

{Becca's POV}.... Bet you weren't expecting that!!

We just got off the train at TD. Oh. My. God. This means that I'll get to see Jamie again!!! Ahhh. Me and Skye look at each other, we squeeze each others hand and start to walk out and go to where the busses are. I'm happy that I met Hot Chelle Rae with Skye she's my Best Friend, and Love, I couldn't imagine doing anything without her. We became HCR fans together, went to our first concert together, and now meeting them. "Skye," "Yes my Becky." "Just remeber that if we starte dating ou Follese brothers, that you'll always be my Bestes Friend and Love." I said. "Becca I highly doubt that me and Ryan are going to start dating, but right back at ya chica" we hugged and laughed. Next thing we knew we were standing out in front of Hot Chelle Rae's bus. "Do we knock?" Skye said " You really are a blonde at times aren't you" I said laughing a little "Duhhhh look at the hair! It's blonde isn't it,. that what I thought. And I'm the bitch, more like you." She said.

I knocked on the door, we waited a second and then Nash opened it. "Hey Skye, Hey Becca." " Hi Nashyyyyy!!!" We said in unision. "You guys can come in, Jamie's beating Ryan in FIFA, it's pretty funny, and don't call me that." He said. We started walking to the back lounge where we knew the boys would be. "Hey Jamie Ryan your girlfriends are here." Nash said. Wait. Did he just say girlfriend?! I was already blushing. " Nash they aren't our girlfriends!" Jamie said. We went and sat down. I sat down next to Jamie again and saw him blush. He's so cute when he blushes. I look at Skye and see that she's sitting next to Ryan. Of course, then winked at me. 'Stop' I mouthed at her. 'No' she mouthed back and shaking her head. " Do you girls want to try?" Ryan said. "I don't think so, I'll probably suck if I try to." I heard Skye say. "Skye you'll probably play better than Ryan." Ian said. "Heyy I take offense to that Keaggs" "Sorry bro but it's the truth." Ian said. "I'll try" I said. Jamie gave me the controller. "Skye if you do it then we'll both suck." I said laughing a little. " Welllllll when you put it like that okay. I didn't want to cause I thought I was going to be playing Jamie." She said. "Don't worry we'll teach you guys how to play and before you know it you'll be pros" Jamie said. He smiled, oh and his smile. We played video games for another hour till someone said that they were hungry. Ryan got up and went to go get some stuff, but when he did Jamie got up and sat next to Skye. I wonder why. While he was over there I juat talked to Ian and Nash.

{Jamie's POV}

Ryan got up to get some food from the front of the bus, so I took the opportunity to ask her. "Skye can I ask you something?" "Sure Jamie. What do you want to know?" " Does Becca like me?" She bit her lip. Becca told me that Skye has a bad habit of biting her lip when she gets nervous. What is she nervous about!! "Jamie, are you kidding me Becca like loves you." she said. Perfect. Ryan was coming back so I moved over to Becca and smiled, she smiled to. Her smile is so pretty. I look over and see that Ryan and Skye are getting up. Hmmm, I wonder where they're going, I'll just have to question Ryan when they get back. "Hey Becca, you want to go and get something to eat with me?" "Sure Jamie I'd love to." she said. Even more perfect.

{Ryan's POV}

I asked Skye if maybe she wanted to go to a park here in Boston. She said yes. We get to the park and see that ther'es no one there. "Go on the swing and I'll push you." I said "I don't know Ry, can i trust that you aren't going to push me off when I start to go up higher." she said "I promise I won't" I said "Okay then." I started to push her and she was laughing and sounded like she was having fun. I hope she was cause I was having fun just being here with her. We went over to the small roundabout (The metal toy that spins on a playground) I ran and then jumped on. After a minuet both of our arms gave and we flew off. We Both started to crack up laughing.

"Skye," " Yeah Ryan" "Will you......."

{Jamie's POV}

Me and Becca had finished eatin and were walking back to the bus. I stopped her for a second it felt perfect. Like it was just me and her.

"Becca?" I looked down at the ground I was nervous but I knew hat I cold do it. "What's wrong Jamie?"

"Becca Lynn Francis Will you..."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ohhhhhh what's going to happen!!! I did this chapter now mostly because Miss Becca was getting on my ass and being a nitch to me to do it, and I wanted to give her the Jamie feels. Soooo here ya go Bitchhhhhhh!!!

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