Beautiful Freaks become Forever Unstoppable~ Chapter 18

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{Skye's POV}

"I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me, yeah, I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah, I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal show me you care, I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah" Blasted through my ears. "HOLY SHIT!!!" I yelled. Next thing I knew I was lying on the floor with Becca standing next to me laughing her ass off. I looked down at myself, I was still wearing my dress from last night. I must have fallen asleep on the way home last night. "You're a dick." I said to her. She was still laughing. "Oh.. My... God... You should have seen your face. It was priceless." She said holding her hand out for me. "Why, just why?" "Because you don't like them and it's just hilarious when they're the first thing you hear when you wake up." She had finally stopped laughing and I got up off the floor. "Now leave!" I said. "Whyyyy!?" "Because I need to take a shower, and it's your turn to cook. plus I have work again today." "I'm surprised they gave this long of a vacation." "I know, but I have to go back today. But I did have like a month of paid vacation, so I'm cool with it." "But what am I supposed to do?!!" "Do something with the boys. I don't know." "Fine. But we're talking about this when you come down!" She said leaving the room. "Okayy!" I got my work clothes and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, I still had my makeup on. I really didn't want to go to work today. I don't mind work, I mean I love my job, working at Petco, around animals all day. Who wouldn't want to be surrounded by puppies! I got out of the shower and got changed. I had on a pair of jeans, a white blouse, and a pair of Nike's.

I walked down and saw the boys sitting at the island eating and Becca was still making food. I walked over and saw that there was still a plate of pancakes. "Why are you still making food, there's still plenty left?" I asked. "Because I'm making chocolate chip ones for you and and apple ones for me." She said handing me my plate. "You're still addicted to apples?" "Yes!!" I laughed. I set my vest on the couch and sat in the stool next to Ryan. "Why do you have to go to work?" Ryan asked getting up and putting his plate in the sink. "Because I need to make money so that way, I can pay for the bills." I said. "Well what the fuck am I supposed to do without you?" He said sitting next to me and resting his head on my shoulder. "Don't worry, I already told Becca that she needs to do something with the both of you." I said laughing. "Yep, I have a very fun day planned already." She said. "I'm afraid." Jamie said. I looked at the clock on the microwave, 8:30. I put my dish in the sink. "Alright I have to go now." I gave Bec and Jamie a hug and I pecked Ryan's lips. "Have fun at work." Becca said. "I will. And Becca" I said standing at the door. "Yes?" "If I come home and my house is a mess you're cleaning it up." "Ma'am yes ma'am." She said saluting me. "At ease soldier." I said walking out the door laughing.

{Jamie's POV}

Me and Ryan were standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at Becca. "So what exactly are we doing?" Ryan asked. She was now dragging mattresses out from all of the rooms. "It's called we're going to go mattress surfing and not tell Skye." She said, dragging one out of another room. She had three stacked up on top of each other and she sat on them. "Alright you two, get up here and choose your mattress. I'm going first though." She said. We walked up the stairs and each grabbed a mattress. "Are you sure we should be doing this?" I asked standing behind her. "That's why I said mattress surfing and not telling Skye. Oh wait." She went into her room and brought out helmets. "Wear these in case we fall off. It's better to get hurt somewhere else rather than your head." She said putting her own on. "Alright are you guys ready." She said. "Sure." Ryan said. She got on her mattress and I pushed her. She went sliding down the stairs and the mattress ran into a small table next to the sectional that had a lamp on it. When they collided The lamp fell off the table and broke. She took her helmet off and laughed. She pointed to the lamp and said, "That's why we don't tell Skye." She got up and dragged her mattress out of the way. I got on mine and put my helmet on. Ryan pushed me and my mattress started spinning halfway down the staircase. It stopped and I tried to get up but fell down. I tried a few other times, but still kept falling. I finally just gave up and stayed on the mattress. Ryan walked back to the wall, ran, and jumped on the mattress. His had stopped just in front of mine. We all started laughing.

We were done mattress surfing, and Becca said that we were doing something else. She went into her room and was looking for something. "What are you looking for?" Ryan asked. "You'll see in a second." She said. De came back out of her room holding three nerf guns. "This is going to be fun." Ryan said running over and grabbing one. "Yes it will be fun, but..." "But it's going to bad, I know. Although Skye won't mind this as much." She said. "How do you know?" I asked. "Because me and her do it all the time." He said. I grabbed on quickly.

"In three, two, one.." She said

{Becca's POV}

"In three, two, one, goo!!" I said. I ran down the stairs and started firing at the two boys. I have to admit this is a fun day so far. I don't know what was going to happen when Skye got home and sees the mess that we made. She's probably going to make me clean it up. I was hiding behind the arm of the couch, Jamie was hiding behind the island and Ryan was hiding in the doorway of Skye's room.

Just then I heard a car pull up. "Skye's home! Hide!" Ryan said. He jumped back in the room and me and Jamie ducked where we were. I heard the door unlock. "What the fuck happened! You have to be fucking kidding me!" She said. Uh oh, I think we may have gone to far. I looked up and saw Ryan peek his head out of her room, Jamie peeked his around the island, and finally I peeked my head out and waved at her. "You're home!" I said getting up to hug her. "Yes and what happened to the house!?" She said. "We may have done something you never let me do." I said backing away. She face palmed herself and said, "Becca Lynn, please tell me you did not go mattress surfing." "Do you want the truth or a lie." I said. "Which one is going to make me happy." She said. "Okay then! Well we were just perfect angels all day, so then we decided to have a nerf gun war, and it got a little out of hand." I said. "One of you tell me the truth." She said looking at the boys. "We went mattress surfing." Ryan said. "Thank you for telling me that." She said pinching the bridge of her nose. She looked at me. "I know I know." I said getting the broom from the closet.

{Ryan's POV}

Me and Skye were upstairs and we could hear Becca swearing downstairs. "That's what she gets for breaking glass." Skye said. "You two are so mean to each other." I said laying down next to her. "Yeah but we love each other." She laughed. "Oh yeah it's so obvious how much you two love each other." I said. "So when do I get to meet your family?" She said looking at me. "You really can't wait can you?" I said. "No, they sound like fun. Especially when you say that me and Becca will fit in. We've always been the odd ones in our family." "I can see how." She hit my arm. "Hey be nice. I may be crazy but you love me." She said. "I do. I couldn't imagine life without your craziness." I kissed her. "You do know that in order to meet my family we have to fly to Tennessee right?" "Yes I know. I kinda figured that, since last time I checked Massachusetts and Tennessee are no where near each other." "Yeah but you have work, and I thought that Becca worked to." "Becca works during the summer, and me and my manager have been friends since I started working there. So she'll give me time off." "Sounds like an awesome boss." "Yeah she said that she was going to take me and Becca drinking when we're both 21, which is in like a year and a half." "Where was she when I had a job in high school." "She was in school she's like 25." "What that's not fair." "It is too. Anywhore I'm gonna go check on Becca." "Anywhore, really." "Yepp."

I followed her down the stairs and watched her walk over to Becca. "Hey bro." Jamie said. "Hey. What's up." I said. "Becca wants to meet our parents." "So does Skye." "To be honest they really would fit in and mom would love them." "I agree with you 100%, but when." "What about next week?" "Yeah that sounds good." Skye an Becca were finishing cleaning up and walked over to us. "What are you guys talking about?" Becca said."Next week.." Jamie said. "What about next week?" Skye said. Me and Jamie looked at each other. "We decided that next week you girls can meet our family." I said. Skye and Becca looked at each other, "We'll book the plane tickets tomorrow." Becca said. Me and Skye went upstairs. We got into bed and I pulled her closer to me. I fell asleep with her in my arms.


Sorry it's taken a few days! I had a paper that I had to write yesterday and I got back from school a few hours ago.

Anywhore, me and Rebekah have back up plans to be sister-in-laws in case Ryan and Jamie don't work out(WHICH THEY WILL!!). Yes, so we have come the conclusion that our back up brothers will be Jack and Finn Harries (I get Finn and she gets Jack .). And if they don't work, then we move on to Joe and Nick Jonas (I get Joe and she gets Nick). But obviously Me and Ryan are going to get married and Rebekah and Jamie (Jecca) Will get married.



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