Beautiful Freaks become Forever Unstoppable~ Chapter 19

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{Becca's POV}

Me an Skye have been driving the boys crazy for the past week. "Becca come here!" Skye yelled from her room. I put my suitcase on the floor by the door and ran up to her room. I saw her sitting on her suitcase waving. "Help me." She said. I went over to her bed and tried to zip her bag up. "This is why I had you help me with mine last night." I said. Ryan came out of the bathroom and looked at us oddly. "What are you two trying to do?" He asked pointing at the suitcase. "We're trying to get her suitcase zipped up, because she's a fucking idiot that didn't do it last night, like I did." I said. "Let me help." He said and came over. Skye criss crossed her legs and me and Ryan finally got the suitcase to zipper. He brought the bag downstairs for us and set them down on the ground. The taxi came up the driveway and me and Skye dragged our bags out. We were only supposed to be staying there for a few days, but me and Skye packed for a week. Ryan sat in the front and me, Skye, and Jamie sat in the back.

We got to the airport about 45 minutes later. We were sitting in the terminal waiting for our flight to be called, when a few girls came up to us. They asked me and Skye a few questions, mostly if I was Jamie's girlfriend or what it was like dating the boys. It felt different being asked questions instead of asking, but I liked it. They asked Ryan and Jamie for an autograph and left. "We weren't anything like that were we?" I asked Skye. "Bec, I'm almost dead positive that we were worse then them." She said. "Yeah, you're probably right." I said. Ryan and Jamie just looked at us. "You two are crazy you know that right." Jamie said. "Well what do you expect. we used to sing Hot Chelle Rae and Miracle Drug songs at the top of our lungs in my front yard when we were younger." Skye said. "Yeah, we're surprised that no one called the cops on us." I said. "What?" Ryan said. "You don't wanna know." Skye said. "I'm afraid to know." Jamie said. 'The flight to Nashville is now boarding.' Came over on the loud speaker. We got our carryon's and made our way to the plane. Our seats were in the middle, 4 seats to a row. Me and Skye sat in the middle and Ryan and Jamie sat on the ends. A few minutes later the plane took off. They said that we could turn our phones on about 15 minutes after take off. We started to descend and me and Skye began to move into our fetal/hugging position. "What are you two doing?" Jamie asked. "Oh yeah, you guys don't know." I said. "Know about what?" Ryan said.  "Me and Becca have never been the best with landing." Skye said. "Oh god what happened that traumatized you two?" Jamie asked. "We were going to Myrtle Beach on vacation like 5 years ago.." "And we didn't see the landing strip once in the 4 times that we landed.."I cut her her off, "And we thought that we were going to die." We felt the plane go down and held each other tighter. We felt the plane land and looked at each other. I held up my fist and she bumped it. "Another plane ride over with no near death experiences." I said.

{Skye's POV}

We got off the plane and headed out to find our luggage. We got our stuff and the boys got us a taxi. We had the same seating arrangements as we did before. Ryan in the front, Me and Jamie had the window seats in the back, and Becca in the middle. Becca looked at me and I looked at her I took her hand and squeezed it. I knew how we both felt. Nervous. Even though we've been looking forward to today since last week, we're just realizing how nerve racking it could be to meet the parents.

The taxi pulled up outside of a house and me and Bec got out on one side, and Jamie got out of the other. I went around to get my suitcase, but Ryan got it before me. "Really?" I said. "Yes, really. Come on, and don't be nervous my parents are going to love you."He said kissing my forehead. "Get a room." Becca said. I laughed. "Besides how do you know that I'm nervous, and you have your own bag to carry." I said. "Skye, I know you. I know when you're happy or sad or even nervous. And you know what I don't give a fuck if I have my own bag, because my bag is smaller." He said. "Is anyone even home?" Jamie said as we walked up to the house. Me and Becca didn't have a bag that we were sharing on this trip, that's why it was so hard for us to close them. "Nope. nobodies car is here."  "Wait so how old is Anna?" Becca asked. "17." Jamie said.

They opened the door and we walked in. Sgt. Pepper and Demo greeted us. Me and Becca knelt down and played with them for a few minutes, and then Superman and Mix came over and joined us. "Having fun with the animals?" Ryan said. "Yes I am, are you forgetting that I work at Petco?" I said. "I did for a second actually." He said. Jamie and Becca were in the living room I think. Ryan held my waist and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, our foreheads were touching. "You don't even know how much I love you." He said. "Yes I do, you've showed me multiple times. You don't know how much I love you though." He kissed me, our lips moved perfectly together. There was something about kissing him that made me feel like it was just me and him in that moment, frozen in time. We pulled apart and I smiled. He smiled and pecked my lips. He pulled me into him and hugged me. "I love you Ry." I said into his shoulder. "I love you more." He said into my neck.

{Jamie's POV}

Me and Becca came into the living room when I came down from my room, which was I don't know how long ago. Me and her were sitting on the couch now, my lips on hers. She had both of her hands on my face, and I had mine on her waist since she was sitting on my lap. She makes it so hard for me to control myself sometimes. I just get lost in her craziness. "Oh and you two tell us to get a room? Cause it looks like you two are having fun sucking on each others faces right now." Skye said. We pulled apart and laughed. "Well you two need to sometimes too." Becca said. "Sure." Skye said. "When do you think they're going to be home?" I asked. "Who knows." Ryan asked.

{Ryan's POV}

We were talking about things and me and Skye were picking on Becca and Jamie. She had her head on my shoulder and my arm was around her. I never wanted to leave her side. I know that we've only been dating for a few months now but i feel like she's the one that I would want to get married to, when the time comes. "You know what we need to while we're here Jamie?" I asked. "What?" He said. "We need to introduce the girls to Maggie, besides she can't wait to meet you girls." I said. "Yeah, we do, and then you guys can be reunited with Ian and Nash." Jamie said. "NASHYY!!!" They said together. "Are you ever going to stop calling him that?" I asked. They both laughed and Becca said, "Nope."

Just then my parents and Anna walked in.


Here it is!! Chapter 19. I seriously can not believe that the next chapter is 20. I never thought that I was going to actually continue this after the first chapter and now look at me I'm almost at 20!! 

Anywhore, I hope you guys like this chapter. Can you not wait for the next chapter Rebekah, I mean we get to meet Adrienne, Keith, and Julianna! I'm excited to write this. I hope you have extreme Jecca feels also.



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