Beautiful Freaks become Forever Unstoppable~ Chapter 20

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Hey guys so there is going to be an announcement at the end of this chapter. It's going to be important and exciting!! Well, exciting for me, but I hope that you guys get excited over it to! 


{Skye's POV}

We were sitting in the couch with the boys when their parents walked in. "Hello." Adrienne said. I looked at Julianna and she had a smile in her face. "Hi." Me and Becca said together. "You two are prettier than in the pictures." Adrienne said. Julianna came over and sat in between me and Becca. Adrienne went into the kitchen and Keith followed her. "So what are your names again?" Julianna said. "I'm Skye." I said. "And I'm Rebekah, but I prefer to be called Becca." "So how old are you?" She asked. "I'm 18." Becca said. "And I'm 19." I said. "You guys aren't that much older than me!" She said. "Yeah only like a few years, but our birthdays are in the summer, so like 5 or 6 months." I said. "June and July." Becca said. "I still can't believe that you've been out of school for a year now." I said. "Oh yes how I loved that school. It didn't know how to turn the heat on, or keep it clean." Becca said. "What school is this?" Anna asked. "The lovely school known as Gloucester High School." Becca said. "Wasn't that on the news before?" She asked. "Yup. Sadly, we don't really talk about it that much anymore." I said.

Adrienne said that she had dinner ready and we all walked in. "How long have you guys been dating for." Keith asked. "Three months, about." Jamie said. "When did you girls graduate from high school?" Adrienne asked. "I graduated 2 years ago this year." I said. "And I graduated last year." Becca said. "Ryan and Jamie said that you two were like best friends, when did you two even meet" Anna asked. Me and Becca looked at each other. "We've known each other for 9 years now." Becca said questionably. "Yeah because we met when I was in fifth grade and I was 10, and I'll be 20 in July, so yeah 9 years." I said. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear since it was starting to get in my eyes. I felt Ryan hold my hand under the table and squeeze it. I looked at him and smiled.

{Ryan's POV}

Skye and Becca were doing really well, probably better than how me and Jamie were doing when we met their parents. Anna was happy that she finally met them, and I think they may even become friends. I looked at Skye and saw her tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. I held her hand under the table and squeezed it. She was so beautiful. I saw my mom smile out of the corner of my eye.

We were done eating and Skye and Becca got dragged into the living room by Julianna. Me and Jamie stayed in the kitchen with our parents. "I like them, I think you boys have a couple of keepers." My mom said. "Thanks mom." Jamie said laughing. "Really though they're perfect for you boys." I laughed a little. "Wow mom you must really like them if you say it more than once." I said. "I agree with your mom on this one. They seem like good girls, just don't do anything to hurt them." My dad said. My dad said something about the girls? He normally never said anything about the girls me and Jamie bring home. "Why would we do anything to hurt them, and I can speak for both of us here. We love them, we wouldn't do anything to hurt them. And besides they'd probably be the ones that would hurt us." Jamie said. "What?" Our parents said together. "Yeah, Skye and Becca ren't exactly normal. They can be a bit crazy at times." I said. "To the point where they have hurt each other." Jamie said. "I thought they fit in to well." My mom said. we laughed. She's right though our family is crazy.

Me and Jamie walked into the living room and saw Becca, Skye, and Anna laughing. "What are you girls talking about?" I said. "Nothingg." Skye said. I sat down next and pulled her closer. I kissed her cheek and she smiled. I love her smile, it's so pretty. We sat and talked for about a half hour and when I noticed that Skye was starting to fall asleep I told her we should go to bed. 

{Becca's POV}

Me, Anna, and Skye were sitting in the living room talking. I liked Anna, she was cool. And plus we were only like a year apart. Ryan and Jamie came in. "What are you girls talking about?" Ryan said. "Nothingg." Skye said. Jamie came over and sat next to me and put his arm around me. Ryan walked over to where Skye was sitting and sat next to her, he wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer to him. He kissed her cheek. Ryan and Skye were really cute with each other. "Awww" Anna said. Ryan pushed her a little and she laughed. We talked for about another half hour and Skye started falling asleep. Ryan told her that they should go to bed and she agreed. They walked up the stairs to Ryan's bedroom. "They're really cute together." Anna said. "Yeah they are." I said. "Although we do mess around with each other a lot." Jamie said

{Jamie's POV}

Me, Becca, and Anna had been talking for about another half hour after Ryan and Skye went upstairs. We mostly talked about them. When my parents said that they were going to bed, we finally decided that we should as well. We walked up to my room. She got changed and then I did. I walked over to where she was standing and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed along her neck and she giggled. I kissed her jawline and she laughed. "Stop being such a flirt." She said. "I may be a flirt at times but you know that you love me." I said. I picked her and carried her over to my bed. I laid her her down and laid next to her. "I love you Jamie Follese." She said. "And I love you Rebekah Francis." I kissed her. When we pulled apart she bit her lip. "Don't call me Rebekah. The only people that call me that are my parents and Skye." She said. "Why is Skye allowed to call you Rebekah and I'm not." I said. "Because I can't control her. She's her own spirit." "Oh so you're saying that you can control me?" She crashed her lips onto mine, I melted into the kiss. She pulled away abruptly. "Okay so maybe you can," I said. "That's what I thought." She said and turned on her other side. I wrpped one arm around her and fell asleep.


Sorry Becca and Jamie's POVS are so short I was just looking forward to what's below!!!

So I have three articles to adress~

1~ Thank you for reading! I still cannot believe that I'm on chapter 20!

2~ So this story may be picking up a little in umm.... certain places (And by this I mean things may get sexual very soon).... So if you are younger than the age of... I'm gonna say 13 or 14 don't read! I don't want to traumatize your young and fragile minds!!

The 3rd and most important~ First of all I want to say this, I do not know when this story will end!! I know how it will end but I just don't know when exactly, I'm aiming towards by the end of next month at the minimum.

Drum roll please!! (BECAUSE THIS IS THE ACTUAL NEWS!!!)

I will write a sequel to this!! It will be called Last Ones Standing, It will pick up a few months after the last chapter! I'm so excited to tell you guys this. I've been thinking about it so much over the past few weeks and I feel like it would be so amazing!!

Thank you all for reading! I love you all!



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