Long Time No See

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Chapter 14 ~ Long Time No See

"You're idiots," Shinako said bluntly, jabbing her index finger at the two boys.

The black haired boy deflated while the green haired boy didn't seem to care, pouting with his cheeks puffed out.

"Midori-chan, we did that for you." Kazunari pouted, hugging a black pillow on the sofa. Specifically, her black pillow that had green hearts on it.

Shinako snatched it away, throwing it on the brown armchair behind her. Kazunari stuck out his lower lip a little more, probably thinking he looked cute. Shinako pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to convey to them how annoyed she was at their recklessness. But only one of the idiots got the message.

"Both of you got suspended for a week. And it wasn't even on purpose," she reprimanded. "I don't like violence."

"Sorry, Midori-chan," Kazunari apologized, bowing his head remorsefully while Shintaro snorted holding a doll on his left hand.

"I was not part of it, nanodayo," Shintaro stated with a frown. "Takao was the one who punched him."

Kazunari chuckled, giving the green haired boy a knowing smirk.

Shintaro wasn't exactly lying. Kazunari did punch the guy but Shintaro threw a basketball at his abdomen before that. The guy already crumpled to the ground when Kazunari punched him.

Maybe they were overreacting. All three of them actually, because who the hell would faint just because a basketball hit your stomach?

"Nii-chan, Takao, people are staring," Shinako whispered as people looked at them as if they belonged in a mental hospital.

Kazunari panted. He reached out to wipe the thin sheet of sweat on his forehead. "Who wouldn't look at us like we're crazy? We're on a rear car."

Shinako nodded, her untied green hair bouncing on her shoulders while Shintaro ignored them.

Kazunari continued to pant, his breathing the only sound Shinako could hear other than the heat of the sun.

"Shit... we're playing rock, paper, scissors at each traffic light to decide who pedals... WHY HAS IT NEVER BEEN YOUR TURN YET?!"

"I don't know how to ride a bicycle so if I tried I might fall over," Shinako reasoned with a small smile. "And I'm a girl. Guys are supposed to do the work."

"I thought you were a feminist?!"

"I'm feeling lazy today."

Kazunari groaned and rolled his eyes. He turned to glare at Shintaro who was silent.

Shintaro smiled, "That's... a matter of course."

Shinako looked at their surroundings, blocking out Shintaro and Kazunari's conversation, not recognizing the place.

"A copycat... and an invisible man."

It's so hot. Shinako thought, plugging her earpiece in. But I need the tan. I'm so pale.

She yawned and leaned on Shintaro's shoulder, dozing off to sleep.

She woke up to Kazunari shouting 'Bastard'. Most likely at nii-chan. She thought, sitting up from her lying position on the rear car.

She rubbed her eyes before squinting due to the bright sun shining down on them.

"Kise-kun?" She said staring at Ryouta who was talking to Shintaro, taking out her earpiece.

Ryouta saw her and waved happily at her. "Midori-chan! Long time no see!"

Ryouta walked over to her but Shintaro pushed him away. "We're going," Shintaro said and a tick mark appeared on Kazunari's forehead.

"I didn't even get to rest!" Kazunari complained.

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