Σαρανταοκτώ(Forty Eight)

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Ahkmenrah's POV

It's a Wednesday so we don't have to work today. And Katalina is always ready before I am. As if on cue she came walking in. She came up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"What happened while you were away?" I asked her.

"You want to know the whole story." She said. I nodded my head. "Let's go to the security office."She said and we walked to it and sat down on the couch.

"So the first night. I was confused because I am not stupid and because you were not going your tablet wouldn't be going like Larry thought, but I saw Dexter had taken it. I swore at him in every language I know except English. Then we tried to get out and Kahmunrah was there and only let me out. He had his guards lock the others inside the crate. And Jedediah called Larry."

"Then we all froze. And when I awoke again Larry was there and Kahmunrah was trying to speak to Larry in different languages. Kahmunrah thought I was on his team for a very long time. After Larry tricked him by saying there was a 'Cube of Rubik' that was powerful enough to turn people he didn't like to dust. Also saying that you also said you wouldn't use it because you wanted to play it safe."

"Larry opened the crate to an octopus who went for Kahmunrah making him drop the tablet. Larry took it and ran and Kahmunrah sent me to go after him."

"I told Larry I was on his side and wouldn't hurt him. And then we found a general of war and he had...I don't know what it was. But it helped us getaway. And then we found Amelia Earhart. She was a pilot and flew airplanes. We tried to convince her to not come with us because Kahmunrah is dangerous." I nodded at her statement about Kahmunrah.

"She stayed with us anyway and we went up to the main floor of the museum and found paintings. Did you know your tablet made them move?" She asked me.

"Kind of. I forgot it did."

"But Kahmunrah's army started coming for us and then we went inside of one of a man and a woman kissing. They were throwing a party. Then Larry was kissing the lady and we left the painting and turned the painting around to keep his army inside and it worked!"

"Amelia also talks weird and I didn't understand anything she was talking about. And we hid behind a fountain and saw these Eros. They were singing love songs to Larry and Amelia."

"When we left the hiding spot we tried to go another way but we're stopped by Napoleon. He thought Larry and Amelia were dating. Then he thought Larry and I were dating. But we're not. And then Napoleon took Larry and I to Kahmunrah but left Amelia."

"When we got to Kahmunrah he had Jedediah in a birdcage. Then Larry tried to convince him that he had all night. But Kahmunrah put Jedediah into an hourglass and told Larry because he was the guardian of the tablet he had to figure out the combination and he sent me with his as 'help' because I speak Egyptian. But I don't know how to read it."

"And we found Amelia again and a statue of Teddy's head and Larry had to scratch his nose for him. Then he read the tablet and told us that we would find it 'At The Heart of Pharaoh's Tomb'. And then we went to find Einsteins because Larry said that they would know what to do. And they did. And it's pi. 3.14159265."

"Oh! I forgot we went and talked and hid with Abraham Lincoln. Who was another president, Larry told me. And then after we found out the combination. Then Ivan and his soldiers found us and Amelia had us get on a plane and we did. But then one of the wires were jammed and Amelia had to fix it. Larry and I almost crashed it..."

"How many times did you almost die?" I asked. She looked as if she were thinking.

"3 I think. But anyways Larry didn't want to fly the plane and he wanted me to but I didn't know what it was and then it started to fall and we both grabbed it and he flew the plane instead of me."

"Then we flew and crashed into the part of the museum that Kahmunrah was in. And he tried and did succeed to bring his army from the Underworld, but then Abraham Lincoln came and scared his army and they went back into the Underworld. Then there was a big fight between Kahmunrah's team and our team."

"Then Larry and Kahmunrah were just fighting because Larry had a plan to get the other three to fight with one another, and he had Amelia open the passage to the Underworld and Larry pushed him in. Then Amelia flew us back here." She said ending her story.

"Well, at least you're back," I said with an exasperated sigh

"Yes. I missed you."

"You never did say how you almost died the other two times."

"Um, well a French Soldier and Kahmunrah. Larry saved me both of those times."

"Because I wasn't just going to let you die. I told you that Ahk would shun me and cast spells on me if something did happen to you." Larry said walking into the room.

"It would not. I wouldn't cast spells. But I would definitely give you a very long silent treatment." I said to Larry crossing my arms. "But thank you, Larry."

"For what?"

"Bringing Katalina back, again."

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