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Kahmunrah's POV

I woke up to a servant shaking my shoulder. Today is the day for Ahkmenrah's memorial. Afterward, everyone is allowed back to the palace for food and drinks. I got ready and I saw Katalina in the throne room. She doesn't know yet.

I was motioned to follow Nefer while he was holding Katalina's hand taking her to the setup area. We were the only three there and I could already see the gold from his sarcophagus. Katalina looked at me confused. Finally, we were next to it and it is very nicely made.

"W-what is this?" Katalina asked quietly looking between Nefer and me. Nefer cleared his throat.

"We are having a memorial for Ahkmenrah. And this is his sarcophagus." I saw her tears start to form. She started crying but it was light and with sniffling. "We thought you two should see it first. Kahmunrah, you will be sitting here, and Katalina you will be here, with Herit next to you." Just then Herit showed up Katalina went to her and cried into her shoulder.

Katalina is very small. Smaller than Herit even. I didn't even notice. I also noticed while crying Katalina was holding her chest over her heart again.

"Don't you think the memorial is too much for Katalina to handle?" Nefer asked me. I shook my head no.

"She will be fine. We all have to be here for this. She is not an exception," I said as citizens started to show up. They all gave condolences to us and some went to his sarcophagus and said prayers. And finally, we started.

Nefer started it by thanking people for coming. Then he talked about how great of a person Ahkmenrah was and all his good deeds and cheerful personality. When Nefer was done some of the priests got up and also said words about him. Then they lead us in prayer and talked to the Egyptian Gods.

Katalina was holding hands with Herit. While sniffling quietly. She'd managed to not be full-on crying throughout the entire service.

The citizens were slightly different. Some were balling, some were smiling/smirking smugly, some, like the children, were talking and being annoying, and some of the other children didn't even know why they were here.

After the service, we all filed into the palace and began talking amongst one another. Katalina and I were taken into my room. I will never forgive them for bringing her into my room.

They were trying to calm her down. She was sobbing and we needed to be there for the people. But Katalina wouldn't stop. She was crying, and clutching her heart, and rubbing up and down her arms. Seeing her in this state it doesn't appear she is faking. But I still think she is.

Finally having gotten her to calm down, Nefer led us back to the throne room.

"Apologies to all of you for making you wait, Katalina is very upset and we were working with her," He said and we went down to join the people who aren't special enough to be living in the palace.

They started playing music and couples young and old started to dance. I saw Katalina standing off to the side. I went over to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Would you like to dance with me?" I asked her. She was hesitant for a minute. "Katalina, it's a yes or no question. Just say one. I don't care which you choose."

"I guess I will dance. Just one song. But that does not mean I like you," She said and took my hand. It was a slow song that we were dancing to. She looked up at me and then very slowly laid her head on my chest.

I let go of her hands and walked away leaving her in her spot. I am not going to let her do that. She just said she didn't like me. She can't do that. After about fifteen minutes I went back and saw her sitting against the wall. I went over to her.

"Why did you lean on me?"

"Because I am tired and sad, and I was hoping maybe you had enough compassion to care. But obviously you do not," She literally meant nothing by it. Well, I look worse than I have ever looked before. I walked away from her and to the balcony and stood outside looking off into the distance.

That's when I noticed something off. It's night and there is light coming towards us from the west. That is where I have just gained more land. The people from the west are rebelling and they're coming for the palace.

I ran to Nefer and pulled him to the balcony. And I wasn't seeing things. People were running this way. I don't want to alarm anyone but, I went to the war-sounding bell and rang it.

Everything stopped as I rang that bell. And the people started staring at me. As soon as they understood what was happening everything went into a panic. I saw Katalina come to me.

"What are you doing? What is the bell for?" She asked worriedly.

"People are coming to attack us. They're rebelling. I tried to gain land from them earlier and now they're rebelling and they're going to start a war." I said gripping her shoulders. "I need you to just stay in your room. Okay?" She nodded slightly. Stupid Ahkmenrah for making me feel the need to protect her. I could have just left her to be alone, panicking and trying to figure out what is happening.

I started to help people put the palace on lockdown so they couldn't get in. And just as I looked outside I saw what they had done. They're not happy and this is not going to be easy to win.

They are already lighting the buildings for the citizens on fire. Time to send out the military.

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