Εικοσι τρια(Twenty Three)

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3rd Person's POV

After talking with his son and wanting to make him proud, Larry Daley has decided to go to the job agency. And get a job like an ordinary guy.

"Mr. Daley, I can honestly say, in the 43 years at this agency...I've never seen a resume quite like yours." The lady who was helping him said. She was an older woman with red hair.

"All right." Larry said with a smile.

"That wasn't a compliment. It says here you were the CEO...of Snaptime Industries. Care to elaborate on that?" She asked.

"Sure. Well, that was the umbrella corporation for my invention, the Snapper." She looked at him confused. "You know, you snap, the lights come on, you snap, they come off," Larry explained.

"Didn't they already make that?" She asked confused.

"No, no, that's the Clapper, which obviously...stole a bit of our thunder. Personally, I don't really see what the difference is, I mean;" He demonstrated clapping and snapping for her. "You know, whatever, but apparently they're is a significant portion of the population that has trouble actually...snapping."

"Clapping's easier." She said. It took a moment for Larry to process that.


"I can't help you." She said.

" Debbie? Can I call you Debbie? Because... I felt a connection when I entered this office...and I don't know, I feel like you did too." Larry said hopefully.

" I didn't feel a connection," Debbie said with no sympathy.

" Look. I need a job tomorrow, okay? If I don't have one... Well, I just need it, okay?"

"Well, I don't know. I might have one thing. They've turned down everyone I've sent over there, but... "

"Great," Larry said partially sarcastically.

"Who knows? You might get lucky." She said writing down the address and handing the card over to him.

Later that day Larry took the card and walked to the Museum of Natural History. He walked inside and up to the front desk.

"Excuses me. Hi." He said to the lady sitting there.


"I'm Larry Daley. I've got a job interview with Cecil Fredricks."

"Right. He should still be in his office." She said.


"I'm Rebecca Hutman. I'm a docent here." She introduced herself.


"Let me point you in the right direction," Rebecca said leading Larry towards Cecil's office.

"Great. Teddy Roosevelt, right?" Larry asked as they approached a statue of the president.

" Yes, a great visionary."

" Yes, definitely. He was our 4th president, right?" Larry asked.

"Twenty-sixth." Rebecca corrected.

"Twenty-sixth," Larry repeated.

"Please don't touch the exhibits!" A man said coming out and yelling at this family. "I mean... Riffraff. Miss Hutman. I cannot tolerate this type of chaos. I mean, this is a museum, not a... Do you know what "museum" means? It doesn't mean, "Daddy, it's a big Tyrannosaurus thing. Can I touch its leg?' No! Work it out, please." He said and walked towards Rebecca and Larry.

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