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A/N I'm back guys. And I am so excited about this story. It is multilingual. I have Greek, French, and English in this story. But if I did put that in I put a translation at the end of the sentence. I hope you like it. All the italics are anyone speaking Egyptian. I am translating this off of Google Translate so if anything is wrong it isn't me, it's Google.

3rd Person POV

The guards all went running to the mysterious girl who has shown up and held her back from truly entering Egypt. Kahmunrah showed up shortly after.

"Who are you? Why have you come?!" He snapped at her. She looked terrified and confused. She was different than anyone else who lived here. Pale-faced, light hair, and alone.

"είσαι ο ηγέτης ;(Are you the leader?)" No one understood anything she had said. The guards roughly forced her towards the palace where Pharaoh Ahkmenrah was; unaware of what is happening outside.

Ahkmenrah's POV

"What is happening? Who is this girl?" I asked as I watched my brother and multiple guards push a young woman in front of me. "Release her," I ordered. They let go of her at once.

"Ευχαριστώ. Θέλω να πω δεν κάνει κακό μόνο ήρθε αναζητώντας ένα καλύτερο σπίτι. (Thank you. I mean no harm just seeking a better home.)" I do not know the language she is speaking. She is very beautiful.

"Parlez-vous français?(Do you speak French?)" I asked in French. She looked up her eyes lighting up a little.

"Oui. Mais un peu monsieur.(Yes. But a little sir.)" We are getting somewhere now.

"Comment t'appelles-tu?(What is your name?)" I asked her.


"Je suis Ahkemrah quatrième roi de quatrième roi, souverain des terres de mon père.(I am Ahkmenrah fourth king of the fourth king ruler of the lands of my father.)" I said introducing myself. She looked a little confused.

"Ahkmenrah..." She mumbled to herself.

"Quel âge avez-vous?(How old are you?)" I asked. She looked as if she was thinking and eventually started speaking.

"Un...deux...trois...quatre.. ...cinq...six...sept...huit...neuf.." She was counting on her fingers.

"Do you speak English?" I asked in English cutting her off.

"Yes, but it is little more than my French." She said.

"How old are you?"

"I know that you have ask me in French my age. May I write it?" I nodded and one of the servants gave her paper and a feather pen. She wrote the number and showed it to me. '24' it read very sloppily.

"You are 24. Why are you in Egypt?"

"There is great battle. They want us hurt. They want us gone. I run and make a boat, and I come here."

"Brother? What are we going to do with her? She just barged in here. What is her punishment?"

"You hurt me also?" She looked so scared.

"No. Kah I do not believe she needs a punishment. She was running from war. You Katalina may stay here. In the palace." I said walking closer to her.

"No. I am not worthy to stay here. You are only worthy."

"It is okay. I am allowing you to stay here. Where did you come from?" I asked. She is very pale. I have never seen someone so pale before. And her hair. It is very light too.

"Greece. It is past the sea."

"Yes. Now, I shall show you your room." I said reaching my hand out so she could grab it. Hesitantly she reached for my hand and took it. She was silent as we went to the room she will be occupying.

"May I ask questions?" I was shocked by her question to ask questions.

"Of course. You can ask anything you want to." I said. She smiled at me.

"You learn English? You learn a lot English?"

"Yes, I know lots of English."

"You help me?"

"I can teach you tomorrow. It is getting late. Why don't you get some rest?" She looked confused.

"Rest?" She repeated.

"Pourquoi pas ne prendre du repos?(Why don't you get some rest?)" I repeated in French.

"I do not know this..."

"Sleep? Get some sleep?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. I sleep. Thank you. You are kind to me." She said walking and closing the door. I do think she is very beautiful. And I am excited about teaching her English. Maybe she can teach me Greek when I am finished with English. And French...

I went back into the throne room where my brother was still standing in disbelief. He does not have a kind heart as people tell me I have.

"Why did you let her just stay?!" He yelled at me coming right in my face.

"I am not like you. I would never throw her out or punish her for seeking safety." I said sharply back. "It is not your call on what happens to her anyway," I said crossing my arms and walking away from him and into my room. I hope keeping Katalina here was a good choice. And I hope Kah doesn't do anything to upset her.

How am I going to tell everyone else about her? They are not going to be accepting as I am. They will not like her. For her skin is much lighter and her hair is too. I think she is beautiful, but they will not agree.

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