Τριάντα εννέα(Thirty Nine)

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3rd Person's POV

Kahmunrah had gone around the museum and found the evilest people he could to join his team in ruling the world.

"I am Kahmunrah. I am half-god, once removed on my mother's side, rightful ruler of Egypt, future ruler of... Well, everything else. Now, I have lost some men. So, I am in need of some new generals to join me in my little plan of conquering this world. Ivan the Terrible. Napoleon Bonaparte. And young Al Capone. Some of the most despicable, most feared leaders in all of history. Gentlemen, really, it's just fantastic to meet you all. "All I ask is your allegiance, and in return, I offer you the world. Literally. Are there any questions?"

"Yeah, I got one." Young Al Capone said. "How come you're wearing a dress?"

"This is not a dress. This is a tunic. It was the height of fashion. Are there any other questions?"

"Da. This dress you're wearing,
do we have to wear one of these, too?" Ivan the Terrible asked.

"Were you not listening? I just told Mr. Capone here that this is not a dress. It is, in fact, a tunic. Very big difference."

"Are there any other questions? Any questions not about the dress?" Kahmunrah asked. "Tunic? All right, then. Moonlight is wasting, and the time is short."

"Short? Why do you look at me
when you say 'short'?" Napoleon asked raising his sword.

"Sorry. It slipped out." Kahmunrah said holding his hands up in surrender.

"Da. If we are talking about world domination, then of course, I am interested. But first I want to clarify something so you know what you are getting. People always say, 'Ivan the Terrible, he's so terrible. 'I'm so scared of Ivan. He's bad news.' When in fact, the correct translation is 'Ivan the Awesome'." Ivan said.

"Ivan the Awesome? It's not really as catchy, is it? I mean, 'Ivan the Terrible', that really pops."

"But I wasn't terrible. In fact, I was quite an effective leader."

"Duly noted. Now, I'd like to wrap up the old meet-and-greet by asking you gentlemen a question. Are you with me?" Kahmunrah asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure."


"Da, but..."

"Then bring Larry Daley of Daley Devices and the Golden Tablet of Ahkmenrah to me!" Kahmunrah yelled interrupting Ivan. "And if Katalina is with, bring her as well."

Larry, Amelia, and Katalina were walking and talking to one another about different things.

"We'll get you back down to your chums, Mr. Daley. You won't get lost following Amelia Earhart."

"Larry," Katalina whispered pointing to the group of French soldiers.

"Quick, get down," Larry said and all three of them went behind the fountain. Larry with his hand on Amelia's back.

"Well, well, Mr. Daley, I quite like the way you're holding me."

"No. Sorry, I wasn't trying to..."

"Oh, please, stop beating your gums, Mr. Daley. You haven't been able to take your cheaters off my chassis since the moment we met." Amelia said.

"I literally didn't understand one word of that," Larry said. Then Katalina leaned closer to Larry.

"Is she speaking English?"


"I do not understand most of it."

"Neither do I," Larry said and Katalina nodded slowly.

"Is it just me or is there music in the air?" Amelia asked. They all looked up and saw flying statues singing.

"... my baby, we can make it shine. We can take forever..."

"You! Little flying angel things! Quiet!"

"They're cupids, Mr. Daley. Gods of love."

"Eros," Katalina said bitterly.

"Great. Gods of love, would you shut up? Please shut up. We're trying to hide."

"Yeah! More than a woman! Yeah!" The Gods of love sang.

"No, don't change the arrangement, it's not about the arrangement. Quiet!"

"Kick the chorus, y'all! More than a woman Yo, show me what you got, night guard."

"All right, come on. Let's go." Larry said and they went the other way from the soldiers.

"More than a woman to me More than a woman She's more than a woman." They continued to sing.

They all went down a hallway to be stopped by Napoleon himself.

"And so, the little tiny man who could not be a smaller or shorter mouse runs into the claws of the giant cat!"

"You're really hung up on the height, aren't you?" Larry asked.

"No, it's not about height, see..."

"Yes, you are. You're saying I'm a little mouse, you're a giant cat."

"I am the giant cat."

"No offense, I just...You're Napoleon. There's a complex named after you. You're famous for being little, and it's true. Look."

"Oh, you naive American man-boy."

"Look. Neither of us are gonna be jamming anytime soon, right? So it's not like we should... It's not even an issue."

"It's not about height or something else. It's a plan. It's a brilliant plan."

"So it was a plan. Snazzy maneuver, Emperor." Amelia said.

"Merci, mademoiselle. Now, if your boyfriend would kindly come with me...and if you're Katalina."

"I'm not her boyfriend," Larry said.

"Not her boyfriend."


"Just friends?"

"Yeah, friends."

"Acquaintances. Friends." Amelia said.

"Were you guys, like, friends in college and just afraid now to both ruin your relationship by telling the other person that you want to be more than friends, that you like-like each other?" Napoleon asked whispering to Larry.

"One more time? I'm sorry. I didn't catch the..."

"Were you guys, like, friends in college and now both afraid to ruin your relationship by telling the other person that you want to be more than friends, that you like-like each other?" He asked one more time.


"No? And what about Katalina are you two dating?" Katalina looked at Larry and back at Napoleon.

"No, I am married." She said to Napoleon.

"I just love the nitty-gritty of relationships. All us French do."


"Yes. Amour!" Amelia said.



"This way, or you die."


"Wait, I'm coming with you!"

"No! Our fight is not with you." And Napoleon, Larry, and Katalina walked back to Kahmunrah.

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