Τριαντα έξι (Thirty Six)

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3rd Person's POV

Larry is now at home with Nicky setting the table, already have told Nicky about the museum.

"So they're gone? There's nothing you can do?"

"I wish there was, man. I'm telling you, I tried everything. I talked to McPhee, I called the board, but they shipped them out this morning."

"This is a lot of food, Dad," Nicky said taking out the take-out from the bag and putting it on the table.

"Yeah. Ed from work's gonna come by. I thought I told you. "We just have to go over a couple of little work things.

"So you're working tonight?" Nicky asked disappointed.

"I used to work every night, remember?"

"That was when you had the coolest job in the world."

"Yeah, well, 'cool' doesn't pay for your Guitar God VI or whatever." Their phone started ringing and Larry walked over and answered it and had it set on speaker. "Hello?"

"Gigantor! It's me, Jedediah!"

"Hold! Hold!" Octavius was heard from in the background.

"Jed?" Larry asked confused. "Jed, what are you...How did you dial the phone?"

"Long story! That brazen little monkey
stole the tablet, and now we're in a world of hurt, boy!"

"Kahmunrah! Stop!" Katalina was heard in the background.

"What's going on? Is that Katalina?"

"Kahmunrah!" Jedediah yelled.

"Kahmunrah?" He asked.

"Ahkmenrah's big brother! He's here! And trust me, not a friendly! I repeat, not a friendly!

"Is that Attila, Jed?"

"I don't know how much longer can fight them off! No!"

"Jed? Are you okay?"

"Let go of me! Help!"

"Hey, Jed."

"Let go! No, you let go of me! Help!"


"What was that about?" Nicky asked as the phone clicked off.

"I don't know. Here, come on. Gonna drop you off at your mom's."

"What's going on, Dad?" Nicky asked.

"I'm gonna go find out." Larry then dropped Nicky off at Erika's and went to the airport and called Nicky after buying a plane ticket. "Okay, buddy, McPhee said the Federal Archives are in the Smithsonian. Where exactly am I going?"

"That's the thing, Dad. The Smithsonian
is actually 19 different museums. They're laid out around the National Mall, from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial. They got everything there. There's actually some really cool stuff."

"Nicky, please focus. Which museum are the Archives in?"

"Not in, under. It looks like it runs underneath the entire Smithsonian."

"So if Ahkmenrah's tablet is down there..."

"The biggest museum in the world is coming alive. What exactly is your plan here, Dad?"

"Don't worry about it".

"You have no plan, do you?"

"Now, Nicholas, I have a very good,
highly thought-out plan."

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