Σαράντα δύο(Forty Two)

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3rd Person's POV

"You know, I do sort of feel like a floating butterfly." Kahmunrah said wearing a robe.

"You are crazier than a road lizard," Jedediah said to him.

"Mr. Egypt, these two here heard that we're taking over the world and they want in. I don't know who they are, but they're on exhibit here, too, apparently." Ivan said pointing towards Oscar the Grouch and Darth Vader.

"I don't even know what they are. I'm sorry, but we're all full up in our axis of evil today. Sorry."

"Come on! But I'm bad! I'm bad! Hey, I could show you how bad I am! Fear me!" Oscar said.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not buying it. You don't seem very bad. You just seem sort of vaguely grouchy to me."

"Oh, boy," Oscar said and hid in his can.

"What are you doing? What is that? What is this? "What does it mean? You've lost me." Kahmunrah asked seeing Darth Vader trying to do the force. "Is that you breathing? "Because I can't hear myself think. Can I make one suggestion to you, my friend? Just simplify. There's just too much going on here. You're evil, you're asthmatic, you're a robot... And what is the cape for? Are we going to the opera? I don't think so. Sorry! Goodbye." Kahmunrah said.

"Attention!" Napoleon yelled. "He's leaving with the tablet!"

"Where?" Kahmunrah asked. "Give me that." He demanded. Wanting the telescope. "He's not trying to figure out the...He's trying to escape! Go. Go! All of you! Kill him! And bring me that tablet and Katalina. Come on, people! Let's go! Without that tablet, we've nothing!"

"Streltsy! Go!" Ivan ordered his soldiers.

"Thought you could get away, didn't you, Larry Daley?" Kahmunrah asked himself.

Larry, Amelia, and Katalina were walking to Air and Space when they saw Ivan's soldiers looking for them. They hid behind a stone slab.

"Criminy, we're jimmy-jacked."

"Jimmy-jacked? Really?"

"It's the way I speak."

"Yeah, I know, but that one sounds made up, even for you."

"'Oh, no, our path has been blocked by bad people.' What's the fun in that? The point is, we're not getting into the Air and Space right now." Amelia said.

"You're right. We are..."

"Jimmy-jacked." They said in unison.

"Come on," Larry said leading them to the Lincoln Memorial.

Octavius was now in the yard of The White House trying to find help for Jedediah.

"They say a good man rules this union. I promised Jedediah I would bring help, and help I will bring. Charge!" He yelled trying to get to the front steps of the building. "Misjudged the distance." He said stopping to take a break. He heard the grass moving behind him. "Who's there?" And out stepped a squirrel. "Jupiter, protect me. Remain very still. They can sense movement." The squirrel went closer to him. "Apparently, they can also hear me talking to myself." The squirrel picked him up and started biting his helmet. "I'm not a nut. No!"

Larry, Amelia, and Katalina were waiting for the soldiers to leave before they left the Lincoln Memorial.

"We should be okay in here for a while."

"So, how long have you guarded antiquities?" Amelia asked.

"What? Oh, no, I don't actually work at the..."

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