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Ahkmenrah's POV

I have been feeling bad for Katalina lately. All she brought with her is a dress. One dress. She doesn't have other clothing. Not even shoes. I decided I would buy her clothes and shoes.

I left the palace with a few guards of course, and went through the local market and found the woman who makes clothing. She makes them so nicely I've just never needed a dress before now.

"King Ahkmenrah, is there something wrong?" The lady asked when she saw me. She looked worried.

"I need a dress for Katalina. What do you suggest?" I asked and relief covered her face.

"She is about this size yes?" She asked holding up a dress. I nodded yes. And she pulled out a few different dresses. "Which one would you like?"

"All of them."

"All of them?"

"All of the ones that will fit Katalina." She smiled at me and handed them to me and I paid for the dresses. I went a little farther and found one selling shoes. I found a pair I hope Katalina likes and is her size, and bought them and went back to the palace.

I wasn't surprised that Katalina was awake. She is usually awake before me. I found her standing on the balcony looking out. I snuck up behind her and covered her eyes. I felt her jump and she turned around.

"Μην το κανεις αυτο. Θα με τρομαξε!(Don't do that. It scared me!)" She yelled at me in Greek. I was laughing even though I have no idea what she said. She pouted and crossed her arms playfully glaring at me. "It was not funny."

"I'm sorry Katalina," I said still laughing. She kissed me which made me stop laughing. I kissed her back.

"Δεν ειναι αοτειο.(Not funny.)" She walked past me and towards her room.

"Katalina I got you something while I was away." She came back by me and I took her hand and lead her to where I set the dresses and shoes down. I pointed to them.

"No, I don't want you buying me stuff. I don't need it." She said. I looked at the dress she was wearing.

"Yes, you do. Katalina, your dress is ripping. And it's still stained," I said. She looked at her dress.

"Thank you, Ahkmenrah." She said. She hugged me and I helped her take them to her room.

"Go try them on and show me. I need to see." I said pointing to the room.

"No, Ahkmenrah. I do not want to." She said closing the door. I blocked the way for her to get away.

"Katalina, I bought them special. I want to see," I whined like a child. She sighed.

"Fine." She said and opened the door. "Εττιμονη μικρο γαμω.(Persistent little bugger.)" She huffed.

"What was that?" I asked jokingly.

"Nothing." She said through the door. Soon she came out with the first one on. It fits her, what I'm assuming to be, perfectly.

"Does it fit?" I asked.

"Yes. I don't want to try all of them on. But I will wear this one. Today. Thank you." She said again and hugged me. I kissed her forehead.

"You're welcome," I said. "I have a surprise later today too," I said and before she could question it I left. I already have the chef making food and we are going on a picnic today I am very excited.

When I found it time for the picnic I went to Katalina's room and knocked on the door. She opened and I took her hand in mine.

"It's time for the surprise!" I said excitedly and pulled her out of the palace. 

"Θεέ μου, ηρέμησε!(Oh my gods! Calm down!) She said laughing. I have no clue. Maybe someday when I'm not as excited as I am I'll just speak Egyptian to her.

"I don't know what you said." I continued to pull her, lightly now, until I found the spot. I found the blanket and sat down. "Sit."

"What are we doing?" She asked sitting as I had told her.

"It's called a picnic." She nodded smiling at me. "I also want to learn more about you. Where in Greece where you from?"

"Sparta." She said smiling. "It is a democracy." I looked at her confused. "It's where any man who is a citizen can vote. They vote on everything." She said.

"That is different from here. Good different though. Why did the war start if everyone can vote?"

"Because not everyone can actually vote. Only if you're a male citizen. If you are not a citizen then you can't vote. Women can't vote, children can't vote, and if you are able to vote then you have to go to the assembly, if you do not you are labeled 'idiot' and painted red. Not everyone likes that. That's why there is a war." She said.

"Wow. So what part was trying to hurt you?"

"The side that does not want democracy. My brother does not want democracy."

"But democracy sounds so good."

"My family is not a citizen of Sparta. He could not vote in Sparta."

"You're not from Sparta?"

"No. We are from Athens."

"Is Sparta far from Egypt?" I asked.

"Yes. But I stopped at Crete. It is an island. Lots of people were escaping to Crete. But I came here. They were going to go to Crete next." She said. "All of Greece is going to be in a war against each other." She said sadly.

"You don't have to go back you can stay here."

"Yes, I know. And thank you for allowing me to stay. I know the townspeople do not like me staying with you."

"They're just not used to the idea yet." She nodded.

"You know they are going to come here next right."

"Who's coming here next?"

"The Greeks. They are going to take over Egypt next. After the war, there is over. I heard the men talk about it."

"They are? Why?"

"I am not sure. They want more land maybe."

"Well, I am not going to worry about that until it happens." She nodded.

"I am sorry if I have worried you."

"No. I'm not too worried," I said and we continued to eat. I am not going to say this to Katalina, but I will not be worried until Greece is done with its own war.

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