HQ C.8: Genius

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Summary: 'Oikawa hated geniuses.Sam was a genius. Oikawa hated Sam.'

Notes: This is a slightly shorter chapter than usual - sorry!

- A Week Later -

The gym was open, and the slamming of a volleyball could be heard, Oikawa, Kuroo and Bokuto who had become the inseparable trio of disaster and puns pushed lightly on the door and it swung open and they weren't surprised by what they saw in the least; Sam dripping with sweat as she ran spiked a ball and then ran back to run forward and spoke again. And again. And again.

A frustrated grumble left her lips and the boys made eye contact instantly understanding what they were going to do. The trio left quickly and returned five minutes later to Sam working at a faster pace.

"... so close. Here I am again." Her hand collided with the ball slamming right next to one of the balls set up on the side lines, the rest lay in various states of destruction. "So good. And yet not good enough." The next spike landed directly on the ball, it was crushed bits of plastic spraying across the gym floor.

"Angel?" Kuroo called, after a minor memory lapse of her hearing problems and as the boys set the plates of food down her head whipped around, bits of blonde hair sticking to her forehead having escaped her ponytail and sweat band.

"Do you have any strawberry milk?" The sped in which she sprinted towards them was mad, and upon seeing her green eyes lit up with excitement Bokuto nodded, "that's Oikawa's favourite! He's so girly."

Sam's face began to loose some of its sparkle as she glanced at Oikawa who stood slightly behind the other two captains. She knew and he was well aware that she knew.

Oikawa hated geniuses.Sam was a genius. Oikawa hated Sam.

It wasn't just the genius side of Sam that annoyed Oikawa, it was the way she could read people. Oikawa was well aware he was amazing at knowing his team but Sam's knowledge of almost everyone she had met was scary.

"Bananas!" Sam was currently throwing a bunch of them in the air whilst singing about her love for them.

Bokuto instantly joined in as if he had always known the song and Kuroo pulled out his phone recording the whole scenario but Oikawa watched silently.

A genius that practices. All players proctor but geniuses trust in their talent. Tobio whether aware of that or not, did not try to develop his mind and the qualities that made him a genius because he was painfully unaware but Angel, she practiced the way he had done before the reality of how bad it was had been beaten into his body.

Once finishing their song, Bokuto and Sam went to sit on the floor with Kuroo and Oikawa.

"So what bought you boys to my neck of the woods?"

"Instinct." Oikawa replied, he watched her reaction carefully. The narrowing of her emerald eyes, brows dipping in thought, the way she nibbled on her lip thinking about whether to help them or not. But geniuses did not help others so when she replied Oikawa already knew what was to be said,

"Would you like a coach or player?"

There was no hesitation in her words, she had realised they had come to her gym for her help not just to simply practice. A small smirk played on her lips, there was no offer for her to not help. Oikawa had been wrong.

"A coach, if you don't mind. You must be tired." Kuroo replied smoothly, noticing Oikawa deep in thought.

Sam nodded and as she set up the setting machine for the boys, they watched her set it significantly lower and to a different setting altogether.

"Alright it will start when the person spiking puts their foot on the red line and you will turns to block."

Oikawa stepped on the red line and sprinted, jumping with the blockers and then pulling a feint over them.

- - - -

They only stopped when the rest of the teams started filing in for joint practice and then Bokuto ran to Sam, "how did we do? How did I do? Did you know I am the fourth best spiker? I am known as the mighty horned owl!"

"Kou-chan, you definitely deserve those titles because your spikes are crazy! My tip would be not to get too heated up and excited in matches and to stay calm because when you do the court just opens up."

Bokuto fist pumped and then ran to Akaashi boasting about the compliments.

Sam had already filled Kuroo and Oikawa in on what to improve and she slumped against the wall watching Kuroo nudge Oikawa who shrugged, picked something up and then walked back to her.


"Your strawberry milk?"

Oikawa nodded and boy waiting for her hands to grasp the carton dropped it, Sam having caught it grabbed him wrist, keeping him from walking away, "Oikawa Tooru is never tongue tied so what was he just then?"

"Can't you tell little Miss Genius? Oikawa Tooru is giving you a peace offering."



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