HQ C.3: First Impressions

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Summary: Angel needs constant babysitting.

Notes: This is just some slight character development of both Angel and her relationship with Haru! Hope you enjoy!

(More Notes At The End Of The Chapter)

Sometimes I really wish people would tell me when there was an event happening, or four male volleyball teams coming to the dining hall for lunch.

The sunrise always illuminated the fields surrounding the academy in the prettiest away. My feet followed a route that seemed drilled into my retina seeing that it was a daily occurrence that had been happening for 3 years now, since I had joined.

I stopped at a small bench where I sat down and once I had stopped panting, reaching under I withdrew a waterproof see through pouch with my drawing pad and pencils inside.

The sketching had become my new addiction recently; keeping an eye on my watch, I stayed there until I saw the other teams jogging on the horizon.

Quickly I stowed my sketches away, and leapt up sprinting back to the courts that I knew would be empty for a good hour.

I served ball after ball, practiced spiking with a machine and slowly I became aware of the need to eat but I shoved that desire down and continued to perfect my new spiking form.

A ball walloped me in the back of my head and I fell straight into the net, mid-jump.

As I untangled myself I felt an ominous aura surround me and slowly turning I spotted Haru, my vice captain and childhood friend.

"Haru-chan, that hurt. I was only practicing."

"All you do is practice, Angel. I bet you haven't eaten lunch." She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"I wasn't hungry." I mumbled. Scowling at me, she grabbed my ear and pulled me out of the gym and realising what was happening I twisted out of her grip and started cartwheeling along the lawn.

As I was just finishing off with a round off, when my wrist gave way and I flopped onto my back, pain rushing through my body.

Everything was blurry and I blinked quickly trying to make out Haru's lips, "-you idiot. Are you okay?"

A smile stretched across my face as I sat up and watched her as she reached into her pocket, pulled out a packet of plasters and slowly applied one to my knee, elbow and the side of my jaw.

"You idiot. I thought you had broken something." I tried to stop smiling and upon noticing my goofy grin a whack was swiftly delivered to my head.

I was helped up and a hand landed on my wrist, worried brown eyes fixed mine with a harsh stare, "if you are actually injured and you pretend you're not. Im gonna break your other wrist."

A simple thumbs up was my reply as we walked into the dining hall to be greeted with silence and everyone's eyes on me.

Everyone was wearing their uniform, even Haru. I looked down and realised I was still wearing my jogging gear, (a sports bra and over the knee leggings) and to make things worse I noticed the Miyagi and Tokoyo District finalist volleyball teams had arrived.

Haru was seething and I just shrugged and began my way over to the waffle table when a hand landed on my shoulder, holding me in place. Slowly another one joined my other shoulder and I was swivelled around to face the all boys volleyball teams.

I had no idea what was going on or what anyone was saying and then I glanced over at Haru who was shaking her head slowly.

My eyes drifted over the boys, I noticed a few faces from the matches I had watched on tape. Pulling the hands of my shoulders I turned to see the headmistress smiling at me; she only smiled if something bad was going to happen.

However I refused to focus on the negatives, I quickly skipped toward the waffle bar where I was about to stock up before another hand grabbed my wrist, mid grab for a waffle and pulled me towards one of the teams, Karasuno.


The dining room was filled with delicious smells, the boys had been forced to sit through a long speech about the school delivered by the headmistress and just when things were getting boring, a half dressed girl burst in.

On closer inspection, she was wearing jogging gear, dirty blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail and trainers squeaking on the polished floor.

After glancing around the mystery girl shrugged lightly then began to walk away before the headmistress grasped her shoulders, "This is our resident, superstar. Samantha Tenshi, or Angel." A few hums of recognition came from some of the boys, "she will be one of your coaches, so good luck and train well!"

"As a punishment, Sam can give you, your tour of the school!"

The girl seemed utterly unaware of the situation as she made her way to the waffles, before the girl she arrived with grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the boys,

"I'm hungry!"
"You were late."
"I'm hungry, Haru-chan!"
"No language on earth has a word for how little I care."

Angel slumped to the floor, the brunette dragging her stopped and dropped to the floor.

"You were mean." Angel whispered whilst pouting.
"When you finish the tour I will make you stomach go, gwaah! Kapow!" Haru replied with a smile.
"What about Pow?"
"There will be a lot of pow!"

The boys exchanged confused looks, as the girls continued their language as if in a different language.

Then Angel leapt up, greeted the boys and then as she was leaving the dining room a sweatshirt landed on her head, looking around she spotted Haru, guiding Nekoma and beamed at her.



Notes: That was really fun to write, I hope it was good to read!

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