HQ C.7: Hard Work

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Summary: 'Their reaction however was almost unpredictable but due to the qualities of the team it was within reason for them.'

Notes: pinches you to tell you no this isn't a dream - my late Christmas present to everyone was indeed a chapter!!

Training others was something I either loved or despised, there was no in-between. As the coach of younger players in both volleyball and athletics I knew the true meaning of the word "frustration." Teaching Karasuno, at first, reminded me of that feeling - the feeling of uselessness and little to no authority. But for once I enjoyed it.

"Your receives are awful, your jumps are powerful but could have even more pow! and as much as friction can draw out players and power, some of what you have going on in your team is unhealthy." Arms crossed, palms sweaty but speaking with an unwavering, harsh tone as I laid down the facts that had worried me due to the fact I might be hated by these boys.

Their reaction however was almost unpredictable but due to the qualities of the team it was within reason for them. Tanaka and Nishinoya leapt up and rushed to me where they knelt, both of my hands being held my theirs as they gazed up at me, "Sam! Please teach us!"

Then the rest of the team exploded into talk, discussing my points and eventually having shoved the two second years of my hands I managed to quiet the team down just enough to talk, "boys you have something a lot of other teams don't have though, you're a family and you're not afraid to learn how to become more powerful. I admire that and we shall show the others just why a flock of crow are called a murder."

A wide smile appeared on Hinata's face as he jumped up in the air with excitement and I beamed back trying to fight my urge to run around like crazy, my boys were gonna thrash everyone and anyone when I was finished with them.

- - - - -

My hands were red and throbbing and the boys were most definitely in worse shape that me, but we all refused to give in to fatigue as the balls were spiked by me in a steady flow.

We were currently working on one of the main pillars of volleyball, receiving something I was almost shocked by as the team had a massive range of ability in this particular area, Daichi and Nishinoya were confident, Asahi and Ennoshita close behind and the rest with varying abilities.

I had called in the young, training setter from my team, who agreed due to her loving her captain - or rather upon laying eyes on a certain scowling setter. She was a talented girl, dark brown hair cut into a bob that curled slightly under her chin, and a smile paired with dimples that made her well known among the young years for getting almost any boy she wanted. I had discovered her upon seeing her swim and realising almost instantly she was destined to be a setter, long elegant fingers and a set of long legs but smaller feet; making her body wrong for swimming but perfect for volleyball. However she did tend to get sidetracked by handsome boys in the opposing teams, or crowd.

The boys were focused as they were to return three of my spikes and then swap for the next member, spike after spike and I watched their confidence begin to fade as the sky began to darken.

"One more! One more! Keep up your energy, focus on the ball and returning it cleanly three times!" I shouted.

My legs ached in protest as I jumped to spike for Daichi - the first in the line - who cleanly returned it, rolling backwards in the process due to the force. After cleanly returning all three, I watched him jog off to the side before his legs have way and he was collapsed on the wall, slumped over.

Next was Sugawara who missed the first and was so enraged that he hair about managed the best three, he ran over to collapse onto Daichi.

My legs were aching and I could barely focus on the sets and were I was spiking.

When I reached Tsukishima, my eyesight had begun to blur and my spikes weaken. But I pushed through as I had done every other time in matches.

One we had finished I looked at the boys in pity and applauded them for their amazing work, my setter handing them water bottles staring at Kageyama constantly.

"Your first training session is complete! Tomorrow is group training, and you have all improved amazingly. I'm very proud and before dinner you need to do one more thing - warm down so please do ten laps of the gym. You may jog or walk but you must do it." The look of defeat was clear on their face as they traipsed around the gym and I laughed lightly.

A they ran I packed up, as an almost "well done" present and when they finished i sent them to go eat dinner and to eat and drink a lot.

Once the gym was empty, my legs instantly collapsed underneath me and I let out a long heavy groan. Slowly sitting up to look at my knees, this was not good. I bit hard on my lip as I stood up and then limped to Gym 2, where Haru was coaching. I was well aware that there was a first aid box in my gym but just opening them and having to smell the hospital smell made me want to vomit. I was also aware that Haru would dismiss her team at exactly six and it was currently ten to.

Our gyms were next to each other, so I simply had to heave open the door to get everyone's attention, "Samantha! Oh my frick, you're such an idiot. Iwaizumi-san, pass me the ball." I watched her throw the ball up and spike it at my head and I simply bowed my head in apology before letting my legs collapse again. Then she was running over to me shouting at Oikawa to get the box labelled, 'Captain Idiot' out of the first aid cupboard.

When she got to my side, I was down and my legs picked up as they were bent slowly, making me grit my teeth in pain and Haru shake her head. When Oikawa came his mouth was open, "Tooru you look like a carp, with your mouth open that wide. I'm sure your seen this before."

His head slowly shook, sadness apparent in his eyes and lips pulled into a grimace, "I had no idea."

"No one does, or used to. Apart from Haru who knows me like the volleyball she sleeps with. But I'm tall and my body and joints are slow to develop at the rate of my growth, it was inevitable."

He nodded slowly, obviously a saying he was used to as I looked at his knee instead of mine that Haru was doing her usual to.

Her long brunette hair was pulled away from her face in a French braid, something that's creation truly intrigued me, her hazel eyes focuses on my knees and her usual routine of medication and then wrapping in bandages. I was useless with anything medical and she had taken it upon herself to care for me the way I did the team. Many a time I had caught her researching doctors or techniques and I let her try out whatever she wanted because Haru was going to be a doctor, although she claimed not. I could tell, she was like my sister and in the same way she could read me like an open book I could do that to her. I was truly lucky.



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