Eren x reader Merry Christmas

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Eren!" I scream as I attempt to make it to him through the high snow. He quickly turned and laughed a low laugh before making his way to me. I loved eren. And everything about him.
"You 15 and you still call my name like we are 5" he said smiling as he finally reached me and I jumped into a warm embrace.
"Because it's snowing! It never snows. Let's make a snowman! Angels! Let's go find a hill, let's go get a-" "contain yourself" he said shushing me. "We have all day ever hour and everyday with eachother. " he said before plopping down, which I realised we were in the middle of the road, which was hard to find out since the snow was to our knees. I smiled as I walked next to him. He grabbed my arm and yanked me down. Causing me to scream as I went down. And when I went down I went on eren, who caught me.
"Your warm" is all he said and I leaned my head up to his and looked at his green eyes in the white snow. He smiled before planting a kiss on my lips. He lifted out with a look on his face I knew all too well. I was trying to push away but it was to late. He grabbed my scarf as he started licking my face. Like what?!
"Eren no it's weird!" I scream as I stood up. He did it because he knows I don't like slobber.
"There's slobber all over you!" He screamed pointing at me like I was in a school circle being laughed at. I frowned playfully before wiping it off.

That was five years ago.

I work at Starbucks. Eren and I have drifted away after going to colleges five hours away from eachother. I miss him badly, we broke up two years ago and I still miss him. And I know he misses me too. He texts me to remind me every now and then. I just finished my shift and was heading to class when I get a text.
'Hey. Can we talk?' He ask. Eren. I then just call him.

"Hey" he said. I smiled at his smooth voice.
"Hey eren." I said. "So what you wanna talk about. " I asked. I stopped walking and sat at a cafe. It was silent.
"Eren?-""no I'm still here don't hang up please I wanna ask you. Uh. Do you still miss me?" He asked and I laughed. "Oh coarse I do! I love you eren. " I said smiling. "So why are you asking?" I said. All I heard was a small voice saying. "We have all day ever hour and everyday with eachother. " and he hung up. I instantly knew why he meant. I called someone else.
"Merry Christmas Eve honey"
"Thanks mom. Hey I'm coming home."
"Awesome! Also watch out. There will be ice tonight and snow tomorrow"
"I know that's why I'm coming home!" I Hang up and go to my apartment. As I walke to my door I noticed a paper on it.
"Merry Christmas" it said. I opened the door to see a white German Shepard puppy. I gasped. Only one person knew how much I loved them. The apartment was newly decorated with crazy effort. I smile. A I looked around. The puppy jumping out of the basket an next to me. In the basket was a collar and leash. I put it on and went to pack my bags.
Once I was done I leashed the puppy and walked to my car. After putting my stuff and the puppy in the car, I quickly ran back to get the basket, that had blankets treats and toys in it. I ran back, started the car. Placed my bags on the back am placed the dog in the front seat, sitting in the basket.
For six hours the dog slept. I only made one stop, to get gas and water for the puppy before proceeding.

When I got there it was 4 in the afternoon. I brought the puppy to my parents front steps and entered, instantly being welcomed.
    The whole night I questioned many things that happened. Where is eren. Does eren still love me? Why hasn't he let me go?
    I fell snuggling with the puppy, with his soft cozy fur, it was easy to sleep.

I heard barking and pressure to my chest as I woke up. I realized the dog was barking as he put his front paws on the window beside the bed and his hind legs on me. I sighed as I tapped him, making him flinch before looking over at me as I pushed him off lightly. I got up, and did my usual thing.
Curled my hair, looked out the window, snowing!
I got instantly excited as I put on snow boots and a fur vest (fake fur!)
     I ran downstairs with the puppy as I showed the puppy his first snowflake. He ran outside and freaked out. Jumping and running and sneezing the snowflakes from his nose. I smiled. The puppy stopped looked up at a direction across from me. And ran twards. I looked up.

"   Eren." I whispered to myself as I froze to my spot. He quickly turned and laughed a low laugh before making his way to me.
The closer he got the more warm I was.
I smiled sweetly as his green eyes stood out. He leaned down to stroke the dog before proceeding towards me. He stopped inches from me. I broke down. Crying like a baby. Sobbing and huffing. Eren quickly took me into a hug, heat radiating from him.
"I missed you so much" I said between cries. He nudged his face into my neck as we stood there before sitting in the snow.
"I missed you more than anything I thought I could miss" he said. As he shoved I placed my gave into his chest, his head resting on mine. We sat Infront of eachother. He went to my pant pockets and pulled me onto his lap. I instantly flinche before I realize what he was doing. I leaned up and looked at him.
" wanna go get something to eat or to drink or do someth-"" contain yourself" he said shushing me before proceeding.
"   We have all day ever hour and everyday with eachother. " he said. I looked confused.
"My college let me move to yours. I'll be there next week. I already moved into the apartment. " joy went over me as I kissed him, I could tell in the kiss he's been craving it and me? I was craving it a lot. I placed my hands past his shoulders and he  had one warm hand on my cheek. I broke the kiss and leaned into his hand, him making patterns into my cheek.
"You know what was my favorite Christmas present?" I said.
"Me?" He asked.
I instantly smiled. "No"
I get slowly closer to his ear before surpising him.
"My favorite present was the dog."

Merry Christmas! ❤️💚
Maybe I might get a better phone to write corrections with. I promise I'll do this more! I have a lot more I've been editing, so they will come out once or twice a week! Love you all!❤️💚💌

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