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I heard crashing. I jolted up from my bed and lookin into nothing but pitch black. I heard crashing and people talking and my breath began to hitch. I then get up and run to find my phone. I remember before falling asleep throwing it on a seat somewhere.
Before finding it, I heard a smash before I fell to the ground, a glimpse of light came from somewhere. but it was blocked with shadows as people glossed my room. they instantly found me and once they did I struggled to move on the waxed wood flooring. I screamed in panic until I felt a pressure in my head and I was out. it was black, me ears ringed as my vision slowly recovered. I was in a old rich room. Dark wood board decor along the green walls.
I knew this was goin to happen.
It happened to everyone, I wasn't going to be in hiding all my life.

Five Months Ago

' President Obama has given a speech about what we feared since years ago. He brought up Slavery and changes.' The tv said as we all sat aroun it. My brother, my mother and my little sister. My brother was a year older then me.19. My little sister was six, to young to understand.
"Wow, Obama said we would make changes, never thought he was serious" my brother Luke joke and I game him a glare and he kept watching tv

'He took it to the government. Slavery is my legal. Everyone has no freedom. You can be taken at any time. Beware' the tv said and I widened my eyes 'stay away from anyone approaching you or anyone else in public places' the news lady said before logging off. The tv turned off and we were silent
"fweedom?" My little sister Abby said and I looked down at her. I didn't talk
"Where's dad when we need him" luke said and my heart sunk. Our father died two years ago in the military, trying to maintain Isis, failing.
I stood up "what is happening to the world"
I got up from the cold floor I woke up on and I stood up, looking around. A bed, dresser, closet. I was in someone's room. I opened one door and it was the bathroom. I ran to the other door and twisted the knob, not getting anywhere I banged at the door before turning and looking around. There wa no windows in the room. There was something on the bed. I picked up and envelope and opened it hesitantly.

'Welcome to the Ackerman Household. You are one of the many slaves that will be joining us . Dont be scared, we simply made your life more better. -'
"Fuck you" I said silently reading this
'Someone will be in to welcome you shortly, take a shower, your probally filthy. Make yourself at home if you can"
I crumbled the paper and threw it on the ground. How could I make myself at home? I just got kidnapped. As I thought to myself I haven't realized that someone walked in. I looked up after the person gave out a low cough, snapping me out of it.
It was a man
He looked at my face and narrowed his eyes
"You haven't bathed?" The man said lowly as he walked up to me, I looked up to see his face (now, we all know now it's not levi XD)
"I uh...I just got up" I stuttered as I turn my head away. He grabbed my arm and I yanked, trying to make him realease.
"Okay, get in the bath tub. Quick. If you don't follow my orders you will be punished" he said letting go
"Who are you?" I asked
"Reiner." He said and turned on the tub "I'm a higher classes slave. Master has no time today to meet you." Reiner said and I look annoyed. I don't wanna give them my name, but they get it out of my sometime.
"What's your name?" He asked putting two towels on the opposite sides of the jacuzzi like tub
"Bailey help me!" Abby yelled, crying and panicking. All I could do was watch as she was being dragged out of our own house. I reached to grab her but I was being pulled away. Mother died. They killed her, knowing that she was too weak to work another day in her life. After they took Abby I quickly turn my attention to Luke, who punched the man taking him and got the gun before shooting the man. He ran to our man and shot him in the shoulder before grabbing me by my arm and pulled me up. And all we did was run. Abby was gone. They had her in the black van. We ran and ran and ran, until we couldn't anymore. It felt like we ran hundred of miles but in reality, we only ran 12 or so miles.
"Oh my names Abby" I said hiding my name from anyone. "Where the boy who came here with me" I said angered
"I will see. Now, get into the tub." He said an I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he shook his head "no, my orders were to make sure you bathe. Don't worry I'm not intrested" he said serious as he went to sink and washed his hands. He then grabbed the shampoo and conditioner.
When he wasn't looking I quickly got unclothed and jumped in the tub. He sits on a towel closest to me and opens the shampoo.
"Master says I have to make sure your clean." He said "direct orders" he said as he reached over and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me to him as his Handof shampoo collide with me wet hair.
I didn't dare to move as shampoo rolled down my face, closer then it ever has been to my eyes. I take my hands and rub Orr the streams that shampoo was flowin from my face and sighed "I can do this by mysel-" he interupted as he stopped washing my hair "but then we would both be disobeying massa, now would we?" He said as I knew he played a smirk on his face as he kept washing my hair.
"Go under."
He stood up and off his towel.
"Now, get dressed. Closets in there" he pointe at the double sliding doors
"Dinners on twenty, make sure you be there." He said before leaving me in confusion.

Where am I, and what have I gotten myself into

Next chapter will be the second part. Sorry for the longest break ever! I've been having drama and work! I'm gonna update sooner tho! Can I get some vote up in hurr?!

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