Levi x reader Lets be kids

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In this..
Levi X Reader.
This was suggested by a follower of mine. They asked for their name not to be shown. This is alittle more different and rougher then what I usaully write. If you like it maybe I'll have to do one of my own 😉

"Who do you think you are!" You playfully laugh as he's across the apartment, throwing the couch pillows at her.
"I'm Mad" he said lowly as he chuckled. He likes chucking pillows at you when he's mad. Playfully, not Madly, that would be abuse.
"AHHHHH no stop Ravioli" you said ducking behind a pillow while laughing.
" don't call me that!" He said running over. You go into a ball position and he picked you up. You came out of the ball as you try to hold yourself to him. He holds close to you as he sits down. You sit yourself up so your on his lap, Facing him.
You put your hands around his neck as you go forehead to forehead. Your tight ponytail teased your eyes back alittle. Making you know that the ponytail is high up. You take one hand and run it through his hair. It's grown alittle.
"You need to cut your hair" you said and he put his head in your neck. Groaning. You put your hands on his shoulders, relaxing. You felt Levi kissing where he was resting his head, your neck. You try not to laugh, since your skin is sensitive. He looks up and into your eyes.
"I know you like laughing when I'm being serious" levi said
"No no it's not that, just. -sigh- I'm very ticklish."
He smirked and I glared at him, knowing he took it the wrong way.
"Well how bout I test that in-"
"No levi,-you start laughing alittle- I gotta get my pregnancy test before that happens. Ever. Okay?" I asked tilting my head. He just watched before taking the advantage of connecting our lips. I have one hand on his neck and another gripping his shirt.
"Are you sure?" He said between kisses. He said teasingly
"Levi don't do that" I said adjusting myself on his lap, trying to actually make it comftable. He leaned out and raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"
"Oh no I" I try to cover up but he just rolls his eyes. I sigh and put my head under his head. He teased the my shirt. Decided if he should, trying to see if I would snap on him.
"I'm sorry if I did something." He said kinda scared. He's scared when I'm mad.
I move my head to his neck.
"I don't even care" I said laughing. He pushed me out of his neck and started kissing me again. I know all he wants is to get in my pants. So I stop.
"Ah ah no." I said snaking my pointer finger around. He has a pouty face and sighed. He does that a lot.
"Only when I'm finish the test" you said hooking your pointer fingers in the two front belt buckles. You stand and he follows. I turn to him.
"You really want to don't ya" I ask curious. He smirked as he went into the bedroom. I grab the box. I drink a bottle and head to the bathroom. I walk out and place the thing on the side of the bed.
I heard levi in the shower.
"Levi!" I yelled above the water
"Count 10 minutes!"
"Woah you took it?" I said peeping his head out of the shower. I walked in.
I remain silent.
"I think you wanted that test done more then me" he said surprised. I grab a towel and wiped off my makeup. I was getting tired.
"Yeah shut it French"
"That's racist!"
"Not if I'm French too." I said laughing.
"Your French?" He questioned
"You may never know. " I said.
"We will know what the baby-"
"No levi that's scary" I whine.
"What? Having a baby?"
"Yes! Something comin out if my vagina! Scary. What if it's like a demon child?"
"Then we send him back to hell" he said and I run to turn his shower cold.
"Oi! Hey you can't do that! It makes me less masculine then I really am. " he said
"I don't think you can loose that much" I said joking.
"Excuse me?" He said getting out of the shower and grabbing a towel. I put my hair down. My hair gotten longer fast.  I turn to see him coming over.
"Making fun of me like that?" He said. You shake your head no and he turns. You have a chance to get him. You start running, taking his towel with him and throwing it. You jump in the bed and under the covers.
"Oi! That's not cool" he said chuckling.
He sighed before going to the dresser and putting on sweatpants and a black tight underarmour shirt. I peek out my head, noticing his perfect body
"Dude I can see your 8 pack through your shirt" I said smiling. He got on the bed and sat next to me, me..laying in the bed. I sit up and look at it.
"You love it" he said complimenting himself. I smile.
"I do. I really do." I said poking them. "I love a strong man" I said poking his arms. He didn't bother to tighten his arms, he kinda can't, he has like no fat whatsoever. Only the sugar from all of his tea.
"Ha. 4 minutes left" he said and you looked up.
"Hey! I have an idea."
"I don't care"
"You being mean eh?"
"What's your idea."
"You be a really hott dude-"
"Make me food" I said with my boring poker face. He nodded. "Then we can look at the test" I said and he stiffened before nodding. He got up but I grab him.
"I have a  question. " I said but he tried to leave. I got annoyed with all my weight I pulled him back somehow. I was pretty happy of myself. I attacked him. Grabbing my arms.
He tries moving but I stop him.
"Levi stop I wanna ask you a question!" I yelled and he leaned up. Putting a hand on my cheek and looking in my eyes. "No" I said jumping up and quickly leaving the room.
"Levi you never grow up!"
"Why should I? I'm only 21!" He yelled and I sighed. "I'm 18 and I'm more appropriate then you!" I yelled laughing. "Can I ask you the question now?" I asked walking to the kitchen. "Ask away" he said making grilled cheese
"What will happen if I'm positive?" It went silent. I sit down on a bar stool
"Look levi, I'm in collage. We might have a kid. We aren't even married. How will I know you won't leave me?" I question. He looks at me and smiled. He actually smiled. "Well I can tell you now you won't have to worry about that. I've been with you too long to leave"
I run my hand through my hair. "Levi. "
"I know I know. Check the test" he said gesturing to it on the other side of the counter. I grabbed it and looked at it. I'm prayed for the best. I studied it. Before throwing it at levi and cheering.
"Ya I haven't messed up my life yet" I said and he smiled.
"What if I want a kid" he said. I, spinning in the bar stool.
"Go have a kid with someone else." I said and he smiled. Throwing the test in the trash and walking to me. Sitting next to me. "I only want you tho" he said and I smiled. "Well maybe later" I told him nodding. "Let's just be kids right now before we HAVE kids" I said. And he agreed.
"Here's your grilled cheese."

Sorry guys! I got grounded from my phone. But I promise a Christmas one like the bertholt is coming out and it will be amazing. Thank you! Vote please and comment! It really helps me!❤️

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