Chapt. 15

68 1 0

Leo P.O.V

Its so damn boring in this fucking classroom! All you see is the teacher sleeping wack niggas getting they dick suck by ugly bitches but set for Tlya. Her mouth is a fuckin goddess. But im over here watchin the clock g.
Yes i hurry to get tf out of tat class. Omw there i bump into shorty who luckily was mill. "Watch where tf u goin" i said. "Damnn my nigga u the one who rushin betta watch urself" she said. Who tf she talkin to.
"Man gone wit tat shit aint nobody got time for ur ass" i said heading to my next class which was math. The teacher a fuckin hoe tbh like really how tf do u get a job like this.

Oh pick me pick me. Yes. She fuck her way to this job. Correct.

But when i enter the class mill was in my fuckin seat. Like the damn chair has my fuckin name it n im fuckin dead ass.
"Get tf out my chair" i said. "Oh who gone make me huh" she said. Is she tryin to get her self hurt? "Man move out my seat" i said getting irritated. "No my nigga there r plenty more in here" she said gettin smart. "Bitch get tf up out of my chair tf i look like to u". I was really gettin irritated wit her ass. "Wtf did u just called me" she said risin from the seat. "A bit..."
"Ok tats enough u two can get out n go to the office" she said. "Hell fuck no" we both said at the same time. "Ok only if u have a little time wit me" she said rubbin on me. Like i told yall she a hoe n got a fuckin husband. "Tf no aint nobody want ur crusty ass pussy tat shit crustier than a gram cracker n it fuckin stank like piss n fish like tf get on wit ta shit. U a fuckin dirty ass hoe n im not goin to tat office" i told her makin everybody laugh as hard ass hell. I had to rethink the shit too just to laugh n i even saw mill laughing wit her head down. She walk back embarrassed n called the office. "Yess" the office said. "Yess i need to escort two people from my class" she said wit a hint anger. Hey not my fault u a hoe. "Yes somebody on there way" they said.
Then two polices came in n Mrs. Hoeisher(see her fuckin name is key word of hoe) told them bout me n mill. "Man tats fuckin fucked up" mill said grabbing her things n go n i did the same.

In the office......
"So wats the promblem here" the principle asked us. We didnt say one peeped we was just on our phone. "Oh you cant speak huh" he said. We still said nothin. "Well since yall cant speak im assignin yall three weeks of after school detention all the way to 4". "Wat no im sorry but tat cant happen" mill said. "Because i have things to do" she said lookin at him. "Well im sorry but u still have to come starting tomorrow" he said writing a note bout it. "Omfg no im not doin this shit" i said. "Oh ur not how bout till 5 then". "Wa...." "I can keep goin" he said finishin writing. We just watched until he was done. We snatch the papers out of his hands n walked out. We headed to next n our last class gym which we both have.

Hey u guys i been away so long tat im truly sorry but i just got new phone so i can write n publish. But thnxs for readin


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