Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Nick's POV

I shifted my gaze away from her almost lifeless body and planted it on the trees surrounding us. My sensitive hearing picked up faint whispers, grunts and some twigs snapping and immediately, I figured out that it was Jason and the others miserably spying on Sky and I.

I rolled my eyes. Idiots, I muttered to myself. But again I found myself intently looking at her, trying hard to ignore the cries of pain she let out. My stomach was in knots and I was sweating profusely.

It's been an hour since I heard the first click of Sky's bones, an hour since I've finally admitted to myself the possibility of being her mate. And if she is, I will be more than happy to fulfill my responsibilities as her other half, her soulmate. I silently prayed that she is, as I plan to commit my lifetime to make up for all the mistakes I've done in the past. Besides that, I've known Sky my entire life. I know of her passions, what makes her tick and how to make her smile. I know that if it were really her, I'd have no problem committing and devoting myself completely.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I dropped it instantly when I saw Sky's face contort to that of a wolf's, her hands which I gripped tightly transformed into paws as well as her feet. She let out a shrill cry which made me cover up my ears, seeing her pained made me wince. Her back arched and her nose elongated and formed a snout. I smiled in relief when I heard her backbone made a loud crack, signalling that the worst of the shifting process have passed. My smile transformed into a frown.

Sky's wolf was a combination of black and white fur, overall bordering on grey. She was of course bigger than a regular she-wolf because of her Alpha blood. If I'm correct, she was barely the size of a full-grown horse but still smaller than my wolf. I reached my hand out and touched the top of her head, I grinned at how soft her fur was.

Why does she have grey fur when her hair is black? My Wolf cautiously asked in my head but I didn't answer. See, your wolf's fur is supposed to be the color of your hair and only strayed or changed because of markings. I know that being different is better, but I can't help not to worry about her safety. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hands. I heard a whimper and my body instantly stiffened.

I looked at the wolf in front of me slowly shaking its head and carefully standing up on its paws. I grinned and warmth suddenly surged inside my body. She successfully stood up and I cleared my throat, her head snapped to me.

That's when I saw the most beautiful eyes ever. Metallic grey. Silver, I thought. She seemed startled and confused so I was going to speak but abruptly stopped when I felt needles piercing my forearm. I looked at my forearm but saw nothing there, the needles now was on my left foot. I groaned and I heard Sky huff and take a step in front of me.

That was it. I felt a thousand needles piercing through every inch of my body. I fell on my back in an uncomfortable position with my head in Sky's direction. I saw paws walking towards me but I closed my eyes and I grew unconscious.

But I swear, I smelled the most addicting scent ever.



"First of all, don't freak out." I heard someone on my left but all I saw was darkness.

"What the actual f-" I started but the same voice interrupted me.

"And do not curse." It explained and I figured it was a girl, a woman in her late twenties to be exact.

"What the hell is happening? And why can't I see anything?" I asked loudly and I heard her groan and mutter something about 'So hard...curse...die...swear'.

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now