Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Hand me thy tampon and I shall spare your petty life. Give it to me now or die a fatal death." I screamed and chased Luke down the stairs.

"Never!" He screamed and jumped down the last four steps of the stairs.

"You prick, I will kill you." I angrily told him, I was nothing but calm now. The jerk had the nerve to go to my room and rummage through my stuff. He stopped and turned to me.

"Hey! No swearing-" He didn't finish because I jumped and fell on top of him, he landed with a breathless 'oomf'.

"Ha!" I said, all signs of anger gone from my face, amusement was all that's left. "What the hell are you going to do with the tampons you stole from my bathroom?" I said with heavy breaths from all the running, I narrowed my eyes at his sweating face.

"Nothing, I swear." He said, a little too quickly.

"Tell me why." I replied with clenched teeth. Oh boy, I'm making him nervous. I was biting my lips to keep myself from laughing.

"Uh, well Sky. I guess, it's... my time of the month?" He stupidly offered and I burst out laughing. I plonked my head on his chest and I can feel it rumbling with laughter.

"Oh my god, that was the best you can come up with? What the hell, man." I said when I recovered and rolled down beside him, cheeks flushed.

"You were terrifying Sky, you should've seen your own face. It was like the devil himself appeared before me, except he's a she." He replied and I felt him shiver after some seconds. I chuckled and spoke again.

"So, tell me. What're you gonna do with my tampons?" I asked him bluntly, staring at the ceiling. He hesitated at first but answered me eventually.

"Well, my girlfriend has to use it." He shyly exclaimed and I scoffed at him.

"More like flavor of the week." I turned to him, putting my cheeks on my palm and leaned on my elbows. I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he smirked.

"It's flavor of the night, Sky." He said with confidence. I frowned at him but his smirk grew wider.

"The night? Seriously Luke?" I scrunched up my brows.

"What?" He asked me, I just smiled and stared at him. Luke. He was the ultimate player amongst the boys, during our junior year he almost screwed each and every cheerleader at school. Keyword: almost. Some were smart enough not to fall for this blondie's charms. Although he banged lots of girls, he made it sure to them that he doesn't want any commitment or something like that. That I think what makes him a good guy, and if you get to know him I know you'll agree with me. I just don't know why these girls still throw themselves at him in spite of the fact that they know he won't take them seriously. Pfft, girls. I will never understand them.

I shook my head at him and got up. He raised his left brow at me but I just grinned and extended my arm to him, he caught my hand and pulled himself up. I almost fell because he was so heavy.

"What have you been eating, Luke? You weigh like an elephant." I exclaimed and dusted my pants with my hands.

"Sure, like you've weighed an elephant before." He retorted and rolled his eyes at me. I suppressed a laugh and walked towards the door.

"Sky," he started as we walked the path towards Nick's house. "I'm glad that you know everything now." He exclaimed.

"Know everything?" I halted to a stop and faced him but bumped into a wall. I growled.

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now