Chapter 25

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      We had been riding for about a day. I could feel Roshroch getting tired, but I knew we had to continue on.

     On the next day it started to rain and the tracks faded. We were both soaking wet and I was getting worried that this would have all been of nothing.

     At one point the tracks had disappeared from view. "Legolas there is no hope, we have lost the trail," I yelled over the heavy down pour of rain.

     "Why don't we just back track, maybe they changed direction," suggested Legolas.

     "They have all washed away, it is raining too hard," I said. "We should make camp until the rain has stopped."

     "Fine," said Legolas. "We should find a dry cave to rest." Legolas lead the way; we back tracked a bit to find some place dry.

     As we were searching for shelter, I was constantly looking at the ground to see if I could find any more tracks. I was about to give up all hope, but then I saw a boot track. "Legolas," I call over. "I think I found some tracks."


   Legolas came rushing over. "I think you’re right, these are the tracks we have following," with that we headed off in the direction of the foot print.

      Not long after, it led us straight to cave. I felt relieved as we found shelter and hopefully we found the tracks that we had lost. I put the helmet back on to make sure that no one will know who I am. Slowly, I walked into the cave, at first it is too dark to see anything. I could definitely tell that elves were here, but it was too quiet.

     "Legolas, can you light a torch, for it is too dark to see anything?" I asked.

     He lit the torch and the whole room lit up.

     "That is better," replied Legolas. We kept walking deeper and deeper in to the cave. At one point we I stumbled upon an Elven helmet. I was surprised to see it just lying there. "Elves are normally very organized," I said picking up the helmet.

     "They must have been in a rush to get dry," suggested Legolas. He tried to lighten up the mood. Somehow though, I did not believe him.

      I ended up walking far ahead of Legolas, I wished to know what was going on.

     Slowly the walls of the caves seemed to narrow; then I turned a corner. I stopped dead in my footsteps, for I could not believe my eyes. Legolas no longer heard my footsteps and called out, “Elemmire, what is wrong?” He came running around the corner and stood behind me. Legolas too was in shock, we stood in silence.

     I did not know what to say, but finally I spoke up. “I think we found them,” I said as a tear started to fill my eyes. The elves we had been looking for were all lying dead on the cold cave floor. Legolas noticed my change in mood and he took a step towards dead elves.

     “Maybe there is still a survivor,” I said as I knelt over one of the guards and tried to shake him awake. Part me thought that the elves were just sleeping, but I knew that they would not wake.  Most of them had deep gashes from swords and arrows.

     “Elemmire,” Legolas called my name calmly. “They are gone and there is nothing we can do.” He then helped me too my feet and wrapped his arms around me. My knees were weak, but I could understand why, for it was a devastating sight to see six guards dead.

     “Do you think this was the work of Orcs?” I asked as I pushed away from his hold to study the wounds.

     “I believe so,” replied Legolas.

     I stuttered trying to say, “Do you think it was done by…?”

     “The Orcs we are after,” interrupted Legolas. “Yes, there are no other Orc habitats in the area.”

     I stood in silence for a second thinking of our options. My personal choice was to keep on with the mission, even if it meant that danger lay ahead. “I am still going after the Orcs, especially now that there is no one to stop them. It is your choice if you still wish to come with me.”

     “I would come every step of the way with you Lady Elemmire, even if that meant walking thru the gates of Mordor,” reassured Legolas. 

     I felt relieved to hear this, I enjoyed Legolas’s company. “Maybe Lord Elrond is right,” I told Legolas.

     “What do you mean?” asked Legolas not sure on what I was referring to.

     “Maybe this mission is impossible and maybe we will both die trying.” I stated.

     “We will not,” said Legolas. “For we are both great with swords and no Orcs can stop us.”

      “You believe that we have a chance against the Orcs, even when six Elven guards who have been trained their whole life to fight had just died?” I asked.

      “Of course,” replied Legolas, but I gave him a confused looked. I did not understand where he got all of the confidence from. “Because we know what we are fighting for.”  

      “And the Guards did not?”

      “Think about it, most likely your mother just told the guards to go hunting a pack of Orcs. If Lady Galadriel was smart, she would not want anyone else to know of your connection with a flower.” I could now understand where Legolas was coming from. I knew that he may not be right, but I liked his confidence.

      With Legolas leading the way, we walked out of the cave. I felt bad for leaving the dead bodies lying in the cave, but it would take days to bury all those bodies. Then I thought of something. “There was one thing I wanted to do before we leave though,” I said.

     “Anything,” said Legolas. “What is on your mind Elemmire?”

     “Because we can’t bury their bodies, why don’t we make a wreath in memory? We can even place it outside of the cave,” I suggested.

     “What a beautiful idea,” replied Legolas. “Let’s work on it in the morning after everything has dried.” I had forgotten it had rained.

     Once we reached the entrance of the cave, we untied our horses and made camp for the night. It was cold, damp and there was no dry wood to make a fire. There was nothing we could do though.

     Before I laid down for bed, I noticed Legolas in deep thought, but he seemed very worried. “What is on your mind Sir Legolas?” I asked.

     He looked up at me and sighed. “I am worried for my father; I left him at a bad time. He is also expecting me soon to help fight off the Orcs.” I did not know how to reply; I laid down without a word. Soon enough I fell into a deep sleep.

Another chapter :) I hope you enjoyed the book so far :)

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