Chapter 22

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     I was looking through my closet the next morning to see if I could find any breeches. To my delight, there was a newly sewn pair. I tried them on and they had fit me perfectly.

     I was not sure where to go, but I knew my way to the kitchen. I thought that I would grab breakfast before I looked around Lothlorien.

     After I had grabbed my breakfast, I walked out of the southern entrance. I wanted to explore, but I had no idea where I was going. There was not much to see. Many elves’s houses were placed nearby.

    As I walked around a building I noticed a tall sign that read "Training Center," in Elvish. I was curious to check it out, so I walked over to the weaponry room and picked myself up a bow and arrows. I noticed that the targets had been placed scattered in a clearing. Before I started, I made certain to tuck my hood under my long coat. That way it would not bother me when I am practising.

          I started shooting wildly, almost like I was in a battle. I let go of the string, then a tuck and roll to the next target. I drew my bow back once again, taking my aim. I let the arrow go and it went whizzing through the air. I was excited to notice that all of my arrows pierced the bull's eye.

     I was about to shoot some more, but then I heard a group of elves clapping and whistling. I turned around and one of the elves, who I did not recognize, walked up to me.

          "Well done," he said. “You are very skillful with a bow, but are you as skillful with a sword?" He asked. The elf held out a beautifully balanced Elven sword. I picked it up from his hands and swung it around.

     "Why don't we see," I said, "Is anyone is willing to duel me?" I turned to the group and one of elves with long blond hair stepped forward.

     "I am," he said.

     Everyone took a couple of steps back to give us some room. We both shook hands and then bowed. I bent down to get ready in case he takes the first move. I could tell when he looked at me and then down to his blade that he was thinking about starting. As I guessed he took the first swing. He was fast, but I was faster and deflected the sword without a problem.

          Then the elf took a second swing, but I forced it out of his hands and it landed in mine. As I did that, my hair started to fall out and he gave me a surprised look. I used that to my advantage and I pin him to the ground when he was still in shock. My sword was at his neck and the other one was behind his back.

     I did not pin him for long though. As our battle had gone on many other elves had joined the spectators, including Legolas.

     "You’re a female!" stuttered the elf I had just duelled.

     "She is no ordinary women, she is Elemmire, daughter of Lady Galadriel," stated Legolas as he walked forward. All the elves were shocked to realize who I was.

     "Yes, it is true," I laughed. "But treat me no different, if I win, I would like to win fairly." I paused for a second trying to think of something funny to say. "But if I lose, I will lock you all in the dungeon." Everyone laughed; it felt good to be socializing.

     Legolas bowed and asked "Lady Elemmire, would you wish to duel me?"

     I looked at him carefully for a second and then replied, "Yes, I would love to."

     Legolas drew his sword and all the elves stepped back to form a circle around us. I knew Legolas was a great swords man and it would take a lot of strength to win. We both bowed and then got into our ready stances.

     We stood there watching each other for a while, waiting to see who would take the first swing. I had to trick Legolas into thinking I was going I swing. I hesitated, like I was going to swing and then quickly rolled around behind him and knocked the sword right out of his hands. The sword fell right on to the ground.

     "You are very sneaky, Lady Elemmire," said Legolas. "But I was just taking it easy on you." We both giggled, I knew that Legolas did not see that coming.

     "Then let’s have a rematch," I said.

     "Oh, wait," replied Legolas. "This one is not over yet." He then ran over and grabbed his sword.

     This time Legolas took the first swing, but I deflected it. He was much stronger than the elf I had battled earlier. Our swords clashed against each other, our fighting skills were equal. Legolas might have been stronger than I, but I was quick and I had a couple skills up my sleeve.

     We had been fighting for a while, when a started to tire a little. I had to think of another plan. This time I fell to the ground. “Oh, no,” I said. “I think my ankle is broken. I clutched my ankle as if I had hurt it. 

     Legolas looked worried; he dropped his sword to the ground and knelt beside me.  “How bad is it?” he asked. Not a second later I pinned him face down with my sword at his neck.

     All of the elves watching laughed at my little trick. “Never take the bait,” I whispered in Legolas’ ear. I stood up and held my hand out to help Legolas up. He took it, but half way up he pulled me down. We both laid on the ground giggling.

      All of a sudden Haldir walked into the circle. “Haldir, do you wish to duel me? Just like old times,” I asked. He looked concerned and did not pay attention to what I had just said.

     “Lady Elemmire, you mother had requested you come back to your room for dress fittings,” told Haldir.

     “Come on, Haldir,” I said. “Just one round, it will be fun.”

     “Your mother has requested you,” replied Haldir. I sighed, not wishing to leave, but I knew I had to. I held my hand out gesturing for Haldir to help me up, but he just walked away.

     Kindly, Legolas stood up and took my hand. “Thank you,” I whispered to him. Legolas then took my sword to put it back into the armory.

     I followed Haldir back to my room, where I knew I would spend the rest of the day trying on dresses.     

I apologize for the very overdue update. I had a major writers block, that is why this was just a filler chapter.

I hope you enjoy it anyways :) thanks to everyone who has voted, commented and fanned, it means the world to me!!!!!!!!!!!!

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